“Imagine Arandjelovdan, and you don’t have time to call, because everyone you know is INFECTED …” Church and doctors on GLORIA, CROWN and rules


“Let’s imagine that today is November 15 and that Serbia breaks all daily records in the number of newly infected and that you have to celebrate your glory, says Arandjelovdan, and you don’t have time to call, because everyone you know is infected or in intensive care. “.

This “apocalyptic version”, as Dr. Predrag Sazdanović, director of the Kragujevac Clinical Center points out, is claimed because “it can happen in 15-20 days”.

– If today we are not smart, if today we do not wear masks, we are not careful and avoid illegal meetings, we do not keep our distance and we do not wash our hands, then it will happen that we will not have time to call for our celebrations, because there will be massive contagion and there will be many sick – added Sazdanović.

How to celebrate the holidays in the time of the crown is a question that worries the citizens of Serbia, but also epidemiologists, who are aware that it will be difficult for our citizens to abandon this tradition, despite the very pessimistic predictions of the Dr. Sazdanović.

Director of KC in Kragujevac Predrag SazdanovićPhoto: RTS / screenshot

Director of KC in Kragujevac Predrag Sazdanović

However, the season of glory is coming, and as our citizens will no doubt celebrate, at least let them hear this advice.

The crucial thing is that the glory is celebrated in the family circle, and we remind them that it is prohibited the gathering of more than 30 people, which is a measure that applies to any space, including our home.

Precisely due to the nightingale season and the current coronavirus epidemic, the Diocese of Raska and Prizren issued a statement in which it establishes the rules that must be followed in all parishes and monasteries of that Diocese. We transmit those that are useful to everyone.

The diocese reminds its clergy, monks and faithful to “adhere to all protective measures, respecting the decisions of the competent health institutions and thus demonstrating responsibility for their health and the health of their loved ones.”

Rules and tips

– Family celebrations of believers should be held only in the circle of relatives and closest relatives, without inviting guests, as is customary. The feast cake should be brought to the parish church for the liturgy so that the priest can bless it and break it with the candlestick.

– A small consecration of water will not yet take place in the homes of believers. There will always be consecrated waters in the temples, so that the faithful can, if necessary, receive them from the priests and take them home. It is understood that consecrated water is not loaded into the temples.

– Weddings, baptisms and funerals should only take place in the immediate circle of the family, complying with all the rules of the competent institutions on behavior in public meetings, while the epidemic lasts.

– We must be aware that taking care of our own health and protection is not an expression of lack of faith, as some think and affirm, but mainly an expression of love and responsibility towards others, especially towards those who can have more serious consequences than a possible infection.

Without kissing and airing often

Epidemiologists constantly warn that the risk is the gathering of large numbers of people indoors, in the house or apartment, and that preventive measures should not be forgotten and that such gatherings should be reduced to acceptable limits. Especially now when it’s cold and when we organize meetings indoors, where viruses tend to spread faster and easier.

Epidemiologist Dr. Radmilo Petrović recently said that celebrations should be held in the family circle, with a smaller number of guests, that they should not kiss and that it was mandatory to wash their hands.

Indicates that people inside should be at the prescribed distance, with mandatory ventilation of the room.

According to him, candles, candelabra and incense must burn constantly, because they emit positive ions and somehow sterilize the air.

Irinej and Loncar: They stick to the measure during the glory

On the occasion of the upcoming season of celebrations, in yesterday’s joint statement, Serbian Patriarch Irinej and Health Minister Zlatibor Loncar called on all citizens of Serbia to adhere to anti-epidemic measures to preserve public health in the next period. and during baptism.

– This time, health workers will do everything possible to preserve the health of our citizens, but it is necessary to respect the measures to keep the epidemic under control – said Minister Lončar.

Patriarch Irinej and Zlatibor Loncar during yesterday's suratPhoto: Ministry of Health / RAS Serbia

Patriarch Irinej and Zlatibor Loncar during yesterday’s surat

Patriarch Irinej pointed out that the Serbian Orthodox Church and the Ministry of Health have the same goal: the health and well-being of the citizens of our country, and called on all citizens to show solidarity and unity.

“Baptismal celebrations are events that symbolize our spirituality, inherit our tradition, bring together and preserve our families, and today, in times of epidemic, they have a special meaning, because the way they are celebrated and celebrated has a direct impact on the preservation of public health, “he announced. Yesterday.

In accordance with that, the Serbian Patriarch and the Minister of Health asked citizens to adhere to anti-epidemiological measures in every situation and to celebrate baptism in a way that does not endanger the health and life of their beings. dear.
