Images of the interior of Sinan Sakić’s burned house: criminal charges were brought against his son


Sinan’s widow Sabina also filed a criminal complaint today against Rashid Sakic, Sinan’s son from his first marriage, who she believes set the house on fire.

Sinan Sakić’s house in Loznica was completely burned, in a fire that broke out early this morning.

Firefighters could not contain the fire, which, as we discovered, started from the bedroom.

Now we bring you an exclusive photo from inside a completely burned house.

Watch the video at the beginning of the text.

Sinan Sakić’s daughter, kulkica Sakić Amzić, who owns the house, lives in Switzerland with her children and husband, and as she recently told us, her brother Rashid Sakić has been sending threatening messages to her for months, which she reported to the police. .

Today, Sinan’s widow Sabina also filed a criminal complaint against Rashid Sakić, Sinan’s son from his first marriage, who he believes set the house on fire.

It should be remembered that Rashid is the son of Sinan from his first marriage, who was sentenced to 12 years in prison, for the murder of Dragoljub Despotović and the attempted liquidation of Radomir Lazić on May 22, 2002 in Loznica.

During his life, Sinan said that he had visited his son only once.

It should be remembered that on January 29, 2020, Rashid broke his nanogica and escaped house arrest, where he had been since August 14, 2019 due to a robbery.

– At 5.40 in the morning yesterday, the system registered damage to the transmitter, that is, the nanoleg. The prosecution determined that he was not at the address where the measure is serving and the commissioner immediately informed the competent court about it. – It was then confirmed by the Directorate for the Execution of Criminal Sanctions of the Ministry of Justice.

The police then searched for the troubled son of the popular music legend, but have yet to find him.

Sinan on Rashid

Sinan admitted that she visited her son in prison only once, until she visited him in the hospital.

– I didn’t go to the hospital, and I didn’t go because I was sorry. I was sorry because they slept together, they couldn’t live without each other … How could that happen? And then I said “no, I’m not even going to sleep.” I only went to prison for him once in my life, only once! I told “You know how much I loved you and him. Let each one carry his own burden, and I will not exist there. If you need something, I will give it to you, send it to you, but I will not return.” – Sinan said then.

As he said, no one said his son shot after he was shot, but despite all that, he does not defend him. Also, his father only visited him once. Once, and never again.

– They shot 4 bullets in the back, he defended himself and also shot. And no one alive has mentioned that in their lives! No one lives, ever … and four bullets fired from behind. Even today, a drug addict being treated for heroin walks down the street, and I loved that boy like him. I buy my tracksuit, I buy him a tracksuit, I buy him men’s shoes, I buy him sneakers. These are children who slept together, they could not do without each other for a single second: Sinan started the story and explained how the shooting happened.

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