I’m sorry I didn’t make it, comrades!


In full and with permission, I am transferring the status of Milena Stojanović, a member of my family, a dragon woman and surgeon at KBC “Dragiša Mišović”, who has been working with patients suffering from kovid 19 since March. You can share it more. And it should, Dr. Kon wrote.

He shared the status sent by epidemiologist Branislav Tiodorović on his Facebook profile:

I’m angry. Furious. Sad. Powerless.

How do we describe all the states of hopelessness that we have gone through in the last 10 months? Did Nesha have to die for us to leave? All social networks, newspapers, portals – they all repent, they write hymns. Celebrities get another point, win people, another political success, another step in the fight for the position. Sad and embarrassing.

Anti-vaccines, conspiracy theorists, opponents of rags in the face, spitting on doctors and medical workers, those who do not recognize the fictional and ridiculous virus, those who bother to close cafes, cancel parties, games, entertainment, skiing, go to the sea, they also kept quiet during the day.

Even when? A day or two and everything will be the same. You will yearn for your normal life again and will continue.

Oh yeah. And I want my normal life again. Neša wanted it too, but it no longer exists. Forever. Forever. Not even Danijela Gordić. Not even Professor Borzanović. Not even Dr. Dejanovic. And how many more … no more. Forever.

Predrag Kon

Photo: Slobodan Miljevic / Tanjug

Predrag Kon

Did you ever remember them all until you started to feel sorry for them? NO. I promised Nellie that it would be okay, that everything would pass. I greeted Nashi just four days ago, as he laughed at me and showed me that I was fine with the tracheostomy.

You do not know how. Impossible. Well, everyone knows!

Just four days ago, there were nine doctors on the ventilator in our intensive care unit. Now there are seven of them: Neša and Rade died. No. I also feel sorry for us who work here every day for not saving you. And they all went to work one day. Normal: drank coffee, kissed the children, and went to work. That is our job, they educate us for it, they pay us for it.

And please, viewers of the national frequencies, make as many negative comments as possible now, spit even louder on us. We will even prefer to just do our job. And for that little soul that we carry inside and we have not lost it.

NELA, NEŠO, MIŠO, RADE … I am sorry that we have not succeeded, comrades, in this battle in which we are fighting together. It’s Christmas. Another piiiip, another ex …
