I’M SAD, I WOULD LIKE TO GO BACK TO SERBIA! Bojsi de Mućki doesn’t hide how much he loves our country, and this is what he says about BRANDY and HISTORY!


I'M SAD, I WOULD LIKE TO GO BACK TO SERBIA!  Bojsi de Mućki does not hide how much he loves our country, and this is what he says about BRANDY and HISTORY!

Photo: Tanjug / Milica Nikolic

The British actor from the famous series “Silence”, John Chalis, did not attend the premiere of his documentary in our capital for epidemiological reasons, but he does not hide that he has already received many positive comments about it and hopes to shoot here again.

The famous Boise does not hide how much he regrets not being able to socialize with the local public due to the coronary virus pandemic.

“Of course I am sad that I did not attend the prime minister, I really wanted to. I couldn’t wait to see the reactions of the Serbian audience and I hope they like it. It is difficult to travel now. I would like to go back and learn much more about Serbia “Your story is complicated, but it fascinates me, and at the same time I enjoy meeting new people.”

photo: Profimedia

During his stay in Belgrade earlier this year, Bojsi had the opportunity to try all the Serbian specialties, but admits he did not like to drink brandy.

“Uh, brandy is a little strong for me personally. It tastes wonderful and smells, and how and what it’s made of is fascinating, but it’s hard for me to drink more. Maybe that’s the problem, I should drink more.” so that it is not so strong for me ”, jokes the famous actor.



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