“I’m ready to work anywhere, just to find a job”


Marija Stanković (30) is an unemployed doctor who lives with her family in her hometown of Donje Dragovlje in the municipality of Gadžin Han. Life in the countryside, at the foot of Suva Planina, is beautiful, she says, but also difficult because not she can do the job she was raised to do.

Marija has twins Isidora and Irina, but also a diploma from the Faculty of Medicine with an average of 9.57, which has not been used for five years.

– I never imagined that I would look for work for so long. I thought that with an average like that, I could get a job somewhere right away. I sent documentation to all of Serbia, they called me from Belgrade four or five times last year and I left. I was shortlisted and after that, nothing. I’m ready to work anywhere, just to find a job – Marija said for “RTS”.

During the state of emergency, an invitation came to volunteer from Nis, which she was unable to accept due to transportation, so she decided to volunteer in the village ambulance.

The neighbors of this doctor confirm that she helped them a lot during the coronavirus. They say he runs, measures blood pressure, surrounds them and gives them medicine. The closest health post is in Donji Dušnik, which can only be reached by car, so Marija was their first aid for everything they needed.

Photo: RTS / screenshot

The wish of this doctor is to become an internist, but at the moment she cannot finance a volunteer specialization, because the family lives off her husband’s salary and the allowance for children.

– Life in the country is very beautiful and very healthy and children who grow up in the country are much healthier than in the city. That is certainly no longer a priority, now the kids need to socialize, enroll in something outside of school, something they want, and that’s impossible from here, I know for myself – adds Marija for “RTS”.

Of the 956 unemployed in Gadžin Han, 24 have higher education, the only medical doctor is Marija, with an average of 9.57.
