I’m afraid we’ll fill all capacities in less than A DAY AND A HALF


Director of the Zemun Hospital Clinical Center prof. Dr. Dragoš Stojanović says that the hospital-clinical center re-entered the kovid regimen and that in a day and a half they received 225 patients for treatment. I’m afraid we will fill all capacities in less than a day and a half, says Stojanović.

Dragoš Stojanović stated for RTS that they had 125 receptions the night before.

– A parallel if we draw between the previous peak and today at 7 o’clock – at this moment we are already in 225 patients in a day and a half. In the previous period, we had 175 admissions in a day and a half, which means that at least 30 to 40 percent more people were infected and an extremely large number of patients were admitted in these 36 hours, Stojanović said.

Director of KBC Zemun Dr. Dragoš StojanovićPhoto: RTS / screenshot

Director of KBC Zemun Dr. Dragoš Stojanović

– At this moment we have 225 patients, 360 is our maximum number of beds. If we fill 225 in a day and a half, I am afraid we will fill all capacities in less than a day and a half, Stojanović added.

Furthermore, as he himself says, in the previous period fifteen patients were in intensive care units, but now 20 of them are in intensive care, of which 10 were intubated.

“Based on the WHO setup and the experiences of the previous period, we all tried not to intubate patients immediately and put them on invasive ventilation as late as possible, but in this predicament we have many difficult patients who required intubation,” Stojanović noted.

When asked if it is because citizens are waiting to go to Kovid’s ambulance, Stojanović says that this is one of the reasons, but also that there are a much higher number of infected people.

– The message for all our citizens is to implement all measures: wear masks, distance yourself, but also not socialize in large numbers. The virus is there, we do not have a cure for the virus, but we have to treat the current and late complications that we still have to deal with – said Stojanović.

He emphasized that it is very important that everyone who recognizes the symptoms immediately comes to the Kovid clinic.

VIDEO: One day at KBC “Dragiša Mišović” at the time of the crown
