I’m a worker I’m not crushing


The winner of the first season of “Zadruga” and singer Kristina Kockar Kija spends her days making big plans for next year, and according to the media, she bought an apartment. Many thought the property was bought with her mother’s money, which it actually is, and Kija reveals that she earned the money herself.

“I didn’t buy an apartment for my mother. I bought another apartment, but according to her taste, that’s why Milan said it. It is an apartment that I bought with my savings, as an investment, because I already have my own apartment. And she will manage her own “. After all, she has her own three-bedroom apartment in Zrenjanin, where she lives with her grandmother and where she will live when she gets out. This is my grandfather’s apartment, where my mother grew up and where I grew up. To end these theories that the apartment was bought with the sale of the apartment or its rate, and it is to your liking, so that one day it may be hers.

Has someone appeared in the field of love, and if not, do you want it? Can you tell for yourself that you are a happy person? – If it was and if it wasn’t, I wouldn’t say. I am a happy person for various reasons, and my happiness is not conditioned only by the love of a man.

Nadica zeljkovic
photo: Printscren / Cooperativa

Do you follow “Zadruga” and Nadica? Are you a proud daughter who is happy with her participation? – I keep track of how far I go. What I don’t understand, I see on YouTube. I see that she is free, she says what she thinks. Here, it was her birthday, I’m glad she was happy. I expect even more from her, what I wrote on the greeting card.

What would you mind or advise if you could? Will you miss hugging her during the holidays?

I have nothing to blame her for. He behaves with dignity, jokes, laughs and definitely could not have chosen a better time to enter. I am used to being without family during the holidays, but we don’t need the holidays to make our ordinary day special.

During a pandemic, the most important question is, how are you doing?

– I behave like everyone else, as we know and can. I make sure everyone around me is healthy, all of this is hard for me mentally because I am responsible for so many people around me. Rarely does anyone ask me if I need what or what I look like. To really wonder how I am.

We are making plans for next year. What will yours be like? What will you wish for yourself at midnight?

– Throughout the year, I made life plans when the health and economic situation in the world stabilized. I know they say “You make plans, God laughs at you”, but at least I have some goals. This year has just put me back on the path I originally took. And as for the midnight wish, in addition to health, I want life to give me opportunities in all aspects of my life.

Kristina Kockar, Kristina Kija Kockar, Kija Kockar, Kija
photo: Printscreen Amiji show

Most complain about their financial situation during the crown, what is your situation? what are your career plans?

– I dont complain. I’ve been a worker my whole life, not a scoundrel. I’m used to having and not having days. For me it is important that you do not have loans, debts. ORI have savings for a century, I had them even before fame because I earned a lot as a flight attendant. As for the race, because of the crown, we all know what the situation is, but soon I will start something that has to do with public works and will not be conditioned by a pandemic.

Did you keep in touch with any of the co-workers, did they turn out to be true friends?

– Everyone knows who I’m good with and who I’m not. I’m fine with a lot of them, we don’t go out, but we call when we see each other. My true friends are the ones who were and still are before all this. Which is not to say that new friends can’t become the same, it always takes time for that, on both sides.

Your life has completely changed after reality, how much have you changed as a person?

– I’ve only changed for the better. I learned from my own mistakes and those of others. People create an image of public figures only through the media and social platforms. I have heard many lies, read, not only about myself but also about others, to sometimes be speechless.

Among other things, you wrote on Instagram before the holidays that you want everyone to open borders. Where would you go first? You worked as a flight attendant, what is your favorite destination and why? – Prague, Bangkok and Sydney. These are my three favorite destinations. But I would go to Spain or England, first to Ireland … Yes, Dublin is also beautiful, so I can put it as a favorite destination and I enjoyed every time I went. Honestly, I like England or Ireland better because of the weather. I love rain and cold weather.

Kija kockar
photo: Pritnscreen



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