Ilija Milačić revealed new details of the liquidation of Strahinja Stojanović: Police are the Kevlar of this city



14.09.2020. 19:44

Ilija Milačić

Ilija Milačić, Photo: Youtube Print Screen

Belgrade residents can rest easy because security in the city is at an extremely high level, says the head of the Belgrade Criminal Police Directorate, Ilija Milačić, for Studio B. He says that the crime rate in the city is more lower than a few years ago.

According to Milačić, the large seizures of narcotics and numerous solved murders speak for that. Speaking of the latter, that is. On the liquidation of Strahinja Stojanovic, Milacic says that there is certain data, but that the investigation is still ongoing.

Liquidation of Strahinja Stojanović in New Belgrade provoked violent reactions in the public. She is a criminal person, well known by our police, but also by foreign security services for serious crimes. He is working hard to shed light on Stojanović’s liquidation of the Belgrade PCU.

Although recently attacks on police work by a part of the opposition have become more frequent, the results obtained still deny them. According to the UKP director in Belgrade, the figures are the best indicator of how and how hard the police really work.

The results obtained in the prevention and repression of drug trafficking are especially remarkable.

As the UKP director explains, the case of beating a young man in Novi Sad was also abused for political purposes.

Calls for the overthrow of the judiciary and the prosecution come from the same part of the opposition, as well as for the police to disband completely, and Milačić sees this as a call for the overthrow of the constitutional order.

Regardless of the attacks, the police continue to do their job, emphasizes Milačić, who also has a clear message for all Belgraders.

In the last six years, the Serbian Interior Ministry and its organizational units have registered continuous growth of positive results in all areas of their activities, Milačić says, which, as he concludes, improves the situation than 10 years ago.
