IKEA ready to build a new shopping park: see what it will look like PHOTO


Belgrade – The IKEA company has completed the preparatory work for the start of construction of the AVA Shopping Park, an open-air shopping center.

Source: B92

Photo: IKEA

Photo: IKEA

The center will be located next to the department store in Bubanj potok.

AVA Shopping Park, formerly known as Belgrade Shopping Center or Belgrade Retail Park, will cover more than 30,000 square meters and will bring together several world-famous brands in areas such as fashion, sports and technology, the company said in a statement.

As B92.net previously wrote, according to the available documentation, the location in question is along the E-75 Belgrade – Nis road, south of the former Bubanj potok toll ramp. On the one hand, it is bordered by a road, on the other by the Belgrade-Velika Plana railway, and on the east it is limited by the location of the current Ikea department store.

In the vicinity there are undeveloped land and a regulated channel of the Zavojnička River, as well as a newly built access road, parallel to the road.

In accordance with current regulations, the location in question is within the areas for other purposes – shopping areas and city centers – special shopping complexes.

The total planned BRGP (gross construction area developed) for all phases is more than 32,000 square meters.

With this investment, worth more than 50 million euros, IKEA will employ 400 more people in Serbia, and the laying of the first stone is planned for early 2021.

The construction of the commercial facilities “Strip Mall”, “Do it yourself”, “Stand alone”, as well as various facilities for fast food restaurants are planned on the site.

The construction of 1,617 parking spaces is also planned, of which 358 spaces will be rebuilt.
