Igor Jurić spoke from the place where his daughter was killed, and then sent a forceful message (VIDEO)



12.15.2020. 12:32 – 15.12.2020. 14:55

– We are committed that, if any child is in a situation similar to Tijana’s, that we, as a society, do everything we can to help that child – said Jurić

Tijana Jurić

Tijana Jurić, Photo: Private album

Igor Jurić, the father of the girl Tijana, who was abducted, tortured and finally monstrously murdered 6 years ago, called for the first time from the place where his daughter was killed.

– I’m in a place, in the Rata settlement. Exactly in this place where I am now, 6 years ago, they brought Tijana after the kidnapping, tortured her for three and a half hours and finally killed her. She was kidnapped a kilometer and a half from here, in a sports center, where at that time and that night there were about a hundred more children.

– Fate wanted Tijana to suffer that night. We are committed that if any child is in a similar situation, we as a society should do everything possible to help that child, Jurić said in the video. that he established.

Above the video, among other things, he asked everyone to share the video and support the introduction of the Amber alert system in Serbia.

– So, share and support. Yes, God forbid, your Tijana, Ivana, Milica, Nikola disappear … let us take them home alive – wrote Jurić, who asked all the deputies, ministers and the entire Government of Serbia to support the introduction of this system.

Exactly one month ago, the founder of the “Tijana Jurić” foundation launched a campaign for the introduction of this alarm system also in Serbia.

As part of it, the Foundation sends stickers to citizens who request them, which they place in visible places. Then they take photographs or record those places, and with their messages they send them to the Foundation.

Sticker Madness

So far, 4,300 stickers have been distributed and Jurić handed them over to the Government and MPs.


Napelnice, Photo: Igor Jurić

The “amber alert” system exists in 19 European countries and, as Jurić previously said for our portal, it is very successful.

– From the moment the system was launched in those countries, the statistics speak in favor of its importance. In more than 90 percent of the cases, when the system is started, finding children is successful, the children return home alive. When a child disappears, the reaction speed of the police and society itself is really important. And that is, in fact, the importance of this system.

During the existence of such a system, every citizen of the country knows how to behave, what to do when a child disappears, who to report and in what way, how to report some suspicious things – explained Juric.

What is the Amber Alert System?

The amber alert system, that is, it would mean that when a child disappears, the media stops broadcasting, shows photos, information about where the child was last seen, what he was wearing, that all mobile operators send SMS messages and MMS with that information, that the service stations Pumps have this information on their LED screens, as well as the retail chains where possible …

Tijana Jurić was a fifteen-year-old girl from Subotica. She was kidnapped and killed on the night of July 25-26, 2014, near the town of Bajmoka. She was last seen 25 minutes after midnight, not far from the “Rata” Sports Center in Bajmok, while her body was found 12 days later, on August 7, in an abandoned dump in the Chonoplja settlement in the municipality of Sombor.
