IF YOU WIN THE ELECTION, COME TO SERBIA! This is when Trump should visit us, Belgrade number 1 on the Balkan tour


IF YOU WIN THE ELECTION, COME TO SERBIA!  This is when Trump should visit us, Belgrade number 1 on the Balkan tour


The President of the United States of America, Donald Trump, could visit Serbia later this year! According to the assertions of well-informed diplomatic sources, Trump and his closest associates are seriously considering starting their second term in the diplomatic sense with a “Balkan tour” should they win the US presidential elections on November 3, within of which I would visit Serbia!

According to internal sources, the Trump protocol has already planned some details of the “Balkan tour”. Within it, the first destination would be Belgrade, for various reasons.

First of all, one of the crucial facts in making the decision to plan the ‘Balkan tour’ was the IRI (International Republican Institute) research, which states that up to 89 percent of Serbs in the United States will vote for Trump. The president of the United States is also delighted with the claims he has received from various sources that he is more popular in Serbia today than in all other European countries, as evidenced by the announcement of the arrival of his daughter and, what is most importantly, her very close associate Ivanka Trump in Belgrade. The visit could be a kind of ‘precursor’, after which we could talk about the definitive arrival of Trump himself on the ground already prepared. How spontaneous and immediate he was, he is still the president of the United States and it is known under what conditions. country ”, explain diplomatic sources.

They also recall that recently Trump himself, during the signing of the so-called agreement on the normalization of economic relations between Belgrade and Pristina, mentioned that he would like to visit these areas.

Then President Vučić sent him an invitation to attend, and everything that was agreed in Washington that day is an excellent basis for further cooperation. This document is one of the most important trump cards in his election campaign, in which he placed the main emphasis on creating a lasting peace. in the Middle East, but also in this region. If Trump succeeds on November 3, the chances of seeing him in Belgrade would be really high. In addition, it is possible that Serbia will be the central country in this “Balkan tour” because the working version of the visit plan that even Trump will spend the night in Belgrade, and from here he will continue his trip to Pristina and beyond “, conclude the interlocutors informed about these facts.

Commenting on the possibility of Trump’s possible arrival in Serbia, the head of Serbian diplomacy, Ivica Dačić, told the Informer that such an epilogue would make him very happy.

“It would be right for Trump to come to us because, I remind you, the last American president to visit our country was Jimmy Carter in June 1980. In any case, that would be a historic visit and a sign of strategic cooperation between Serbia and the United States.” , said. Dacic.

Predrag Rajic of the Center for Social Stability agrees with him, recalling that the Serbs and the Americans have been allies for decades and that we should be allies again.

“President Vučić is by far the most respected and respected leader in the region, but also in recent Serbian history, and the possibility of Trump’s visit to Belgrade confirms this. No US president has been to Belgrade. since 1980. And for that, among other things, the importance of Washington the agreement is truly historic, “says Rajić.

Smajlovic: Vucic was next to Trump!

The renowned journalist and former editor of “Politika”, Ljiljana Smajlović, evaluated, as a guest on TV Prva, that Serbia, thanks to President Aleksandar Vučić, achieved a great diplomatic triumph in Washington.

“Important things happened. Who was stronger in Washington? It’s an easy question. We are stronger, of course. No question! Vucic is not as powerful as Trump, but at least he was equal to him. Pristina went to United States with I think an acknowledgment will be signed, but nothing like that. You can see from the crying and moaning of our opponents that they did better, “said Smajlovic and stressed that he was not surprised in the least by the negative reactions of the opposition. Serbia to President Vucic:

“And I thought it would follow something that always followed. ‘Vucic’ disorder syndrome. And it is that, whatever Vucic does, they will attack him. Political life in Serbia has been reduced to yes, if they can not harm I will teach you how to hurt him a little bit “.


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