14.10.2020. 07:49
This party is often called Pokrovice and is considered a party for women, especially dedicated to mothers and mothers.

Orthodoxy, church, faith, prayer, Photo: Hello! / Dejan Briza
Today, the Serbian Orthodox Church and the faithful celebrate the Protection of the Blessed Mother of God, a great Christian holiday with which many customs are associated.
The Shroud of the Blessed Mother of God, protector of the Christian world, is one of the largest dedicated to the Mother of God, and the memory of her miraculous appearance is marked.
According to legend, she appeared during prayer in the Church of the Mother of God in Constantinople in 911. Evangelical tradition says that she was dressed “in golden porphyry and everything shone with unspeakable splendor, surrounded by apostles, saints, martyrs and virgins. “and in his hands he had a large kerchief with which he seemed to cover the people.
That is why she appears in Orthodox icons with a veil in her hands surrounded by saints in white robes. His clothing is a symbol of patronage and protection against hunger, disease, and death.
Popular beliefs and customs
This party is often called Pokrovice and is considered a party for women, especially dedicated to mothers and mothers. Therefore, all members of the fair sex should take special care and not do any hard physical work.
In Serbia, it is customary for women to dedicate this day to respect the Mother of God, and every girl should pray to this saint so that one day she will become pregnant and raise her children with health and happiness.
In Popovo polje, many women fast in front of Pokrovice to receive communion on the day of the holiday. Women celebrate it to facilitate childbirth and raising children. Those who do not have children pray to the Blessed Mother of God that day to have them.