05/10/2020 09:52 – 10.05.2020. 10:00
The Serbian Government has adopted amendments to the Law on Protection of the Population against Infectious Diseases, which has decided that the minimum legal fine in this area for natural and legal persons will be 50,000 instead of the previous 30,000 dinars.

Bus after the state of emergency, Photo: Hello!
It was estimated that the amount of the minimum sentence should be increased so that people respect the prescribed measures even after the lifting of the state of emergency. The reason for this is that, in practice, the misdemeanor courts, by violating the current provisions of the Law, were inclined to impose minimum fines, which were not stimulated by natural or legal persons.
In the future, natural persons who, in addition to the law, do not respect the decrees and decisions of the competent authorities, must withdraw from 50,000 to 150,000 dinars from their own pockets, and legal entities from 50,000 to 500,000 dinars!
– For example, legally, a person will be fined up to 500,000 if they do not disinfect their facilities, but also if they give a travel order to an employee in the country where they have diseases that pose a threat to public health. As for natural persons, they can be sanctioned if, for example, they do not comply with the isolation and quarantine orders. If they violate these and other measures defined by current law, they can pay from 50,000 to 150,000 dinars, the source says.

Report, Photo: Hello! / D. Brisa
Sanctions for people izic
A fine of 30,000 to 150,000 dinars will be imposed on a natural person for a misdemeanor in the following cases:
If the epidemiological examination procedure does not tell the truth and does not provide precise and complete data of importance to discover the source and the way of transmission of infectious diseases, that is, to detect, prevent and suppress epidemics and infectious diseases, as well as not undergoes certain medical examinations.
If you do not comply with the doctor’s order in the case when it is determined that you will be transported by ambulance or an isolation and treatment measure, that is, isolation, in accordance with this law.
If before traveling to countries where they are infected, such as after returning from those countries, the obligations prescribed by this law or the measures required by the nature of the disease are not fulfilled.
If, according to the decision issued by the health inspector, he does not report to the public health institute or institute according to the place of residence to control his state of health, that is, if he does not comply with the order of the chosen doctor .
If quarantine measures are not followed.
If the compulsory immunization of a person of a certain age is denied.
If you carry out food production and trade and have not completed the mandatory health examination and do not have a properly certified health brochure.
If it does not implement the measures prescribed by this Law and does not act on the decision of the sanitary inspector to protect the population from infectious diseases, within the time limits, under the conditions and in the manner determined by that decision.
If the patient does not provide the true data and does not comply with certain measures and instructions of the health institution, that is, the doctor’s order, especially in terms of preventing the transmission of the disease.
Cafes after the state of emergency, Photo: Ognjen Radošević
Penalties for legal persons.
A fine of 50,000 to 500,000 dinars will be imposed on a legal entity in the following cases:
If disinfection, disinsection and rat removal are not carried out according to epidemiological indications.
If he organizes a trip to a country where there are diseases that pose a threat to international public health, and they do not comply with the obligations that require them to report to the Ministry.
If you temporarily do not deliver your facility for use to suppress a contagious disease, that is, an epidemic of that contagious disease.
If you do not provide hygiene services under the conditions and in a way that prevents the emergence and spread of infectious diseases.
If the excavation and transmission of people who have died of infectious diseases is not carried out under conditions that prevent the appearance and transmission of infectious diseases.