If you have these 3 SYMPTOMS, you should get tested


British doctor Sarah Jarvis says that it is not an impossible mission to distinguish between colds and Covid-19.

“Nasal congestion, nasal congestion and a sore throat are much less common in coronavirus than in colds. If you have these symptoms and do not have a fever, a new continuous cough (lasting more than an hour or three major attacks in 24 hours) or loss of smell and taste, it is not necessary to perform the test on Kovid-19, “he explains.

Dr. Jarvis states that symptoms appear on average five days after being exposed to the virus, although this can vary, so symptoms can occur in the range of two to 12 days after being in contact with the virus somehow.

As we face the increase in those newly infected with the coronavirus virus, at the same time we fear the appearance of colds and flu that are approaching us. What is challenging about the whole story is that it is not easy to distinguish the symptoms of these three viruses, considering that they have similar manifestations.

This doctor also points out that with a common cold, severe fatigue and respiratory problems rarely occur, which is mostly felt by people infected with kovid-19.

“Generally speaking, nasal congestion, sneezing and a runny nose are more characteristic of a cold, and symptoms can appear 2-3 days after exposure, last only a few days, and are usually mild,” he added, advising Contact a doctor if symptoms do not begin to disappear or get worse within a few days.

He also emphasized that it is important to work on strengthening immunity.

photo: Курир / SS

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