These are measures for all types of transport: by plane, train, car, bus and minibus.
General rules
– Passengers are encouraged to purchase tickets, reserve seats, and register online.
– Passengers must wear protective masks, especially where physical distance measurements cannot be fully respected at all times. Masks do not have to be medical.
– Physical distance must be provided at security checkpoints and registration points.
– Special lanes must be established to separate passengers at ports, airports, railway stations, bus stations, ferry ports and public transport stops.
– Benches, tables and everything that encourages meetings should be removed or placed in a way that guarantees the maintenance of physical distance.

– Fewer passengers may be allowed on buses, trains or ferries, and passengers who do not live in the same household may be separated.
– Personnel must have appropriate protective equipment.
– Disinfectants must be available and vehicles must be cleaned and disinfected regularly
– Food, drinks and other products can no longer be sold in vehicles.
– State tax-exempt stores and other stores must control passenger movement through floor markings and limit the number of customers. They must intensify cleaning and put protective barriers on the box to physically separate buyers from sellers.
– Mobile applications with monitoring and warning measures to come into contact with an infected person can be used voluntarily. Such applications should also work cross-border.

Air traffic
The protocols will be adopted in the coming weeks, which should include the following measures:
– air ventilation must be improved by air filtration, such as in hospitals and vertical air flow,
movement on the aircraft should be limited and interaction with the crew reduced,
– passenger flow management: early arrival of passengers at the airport; use of electronic login or its execution on vending machines; Reduction of contact during baggage registration, security control and document verification, as well as during loading, unloading and collection of luggage.
– Advance orders for services and meals should be made, when possible, at the time of booking.

– A high level of hygiene must be maintained in terminals, rest areas along the road, parking lots, service stations.
– Passenger traffic must be managed at the borders.
– When satisfactory levels of public health cannot be guaranteed, border closures should be considered.
Buses and minibuses
– The rear doors must be used for the entrance of passengers, and the vehicles must be ventilated by opening windows and not turning on the air conditioning.
– The session should be organized so that families sit together when possible, while people who do not travel together should sit separately.
In minibuses, passengers may not sit next to the driver unless physical separation is possible.
– If possible, passengers will take care of their luggage.

– The frequency and capacity of trains should be increased if passenger traffic needs to be reduced.
– Rail carriers must introduce the mandatory reservation of seats on intercity and regional trains.
– In short distances, passengers must leave empty seats between them, except those in the same homes.

– Rail carriers must count passengers, especially on suburban trains.
– The flow of passengers in the stations must be managed if adequate levels of public health cannot be guaranteed.
– Travel when it is not the busiest should be encouraged by introducing incentives and financial facilities such as price adjustments or flexible work schedules to avoid large groups of passengers.
– The doors must open automatically at each station or the driver will open them manually.
Photo by Nemanja Nikolic.

delivery courier
Author: delivery courier