25.01.2021. 23:38
Teas, biscuits, chocolates, spices, dried fruits, nuts, flours, cereals and even whipped cream, pudding and other powdered products can be bought in bulk in all health food stores in Serbia, but the big question is what quality are these products. and how safe are they to use

Rinfuzna steals, Photo: Shutterstock
Bulk is the cargo of goods in which the goods are in bulk without wrappers, bags, boxes and the like.
Most of the assortment of these stores is bulk, that is, purchased to measure, and these products can now be found more and more in non-specialized stores. And while some stores pay strict attention to what and how they sell, that can’t be said for everyone.
Goods arriving in Serbia in sacks from distant parts of the world are controlled like those packed in individual packages, but they are not protected in the same way, neither during transport nor during use.
Do you buy products in bulk?
Nutritionist Jovana Novakovic explains that bulk products can be contaminated.
– The journey is long from, say, Madagascar to Serbia, and while moving bags from one mode of transport to another, the product may come into contact with moisture or insects may enter. For some products, humidity is dangerous, especially for cereals, because it can lead to the development of mycotoxins, molds that can cause serious health problems with prolonged use. she explains.
Opened paper bags and boxes of flour are often placed on countertops, so dust falls on them, contrary to sanitary regulations, and it is not uncommon to find insects and stones in tea or spices.
There is usually no statement on the drawers and cabinets with sugar, candies and teas, so the customer cannot see if the product contains allergens, or where it comes from, or when it can be used.
Expired illicit bulk sales and customer service without gloves are the most common irregularities inspectors find. It is a common example that there are no special spoons for different products, but the seller takes out the spoon as needed and pours the required product into the bag.
– The big problem is that traders only fill the shelves, that is, they simply pour the products on the same surfaces, without first cleaning them. Then it can happen that products with two terms of different duration are mixed, which should not happen at all. – explains the interlocutor from the Telegraph.
This is why it often happens that we buy rotten nuts, or beans where half of them are cooked during cooking and the other half are not cooked at all. This is why some cereals taste like they have a strong smell, such as when left open for a long time, and the cookie can be mushy and sticky instead of crunchy.
However, buyers do not give up on these types of products, as they cost up to a third less than those sold prepackaged. The reason for this is that the cost of packaging, that is, packaging, is not included in the cost price.
Of course, in addition to the lower price, bulk products have other benefits. Thanks to it, the buyer can buy the exact amount of certain goods. These products contain fewer additives and preservatives, which is ideal for those who suffer from allergies or are sensitive to these dietary supplements.
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