If we notice these changes in the skin in time, we can prevent a heart attack, stroke or gangrene.



12.21.2020. 16:00

Knowing your vascular age will give your doctor a better idea of ​​the state of your cardiovascular system.

doktorkaSandra Radak

Photo: silkscreen / blic

The vitality of the skin and other organs will correspond to your vascular age, and the risk of cardiovascular diseases, heart attack, stroke or gangrene will be higher than in healthy companions.

“Unfortunately, we often notice a big difference between the chronological and biological age of the patient. For example, smokers obviously appear older than their age, which can be seen in the skin, liver, lungs and blood vessels.” said internist angiologist Dr. Sandra Radak of the Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases. “Dedinje” states that vascular age may be incompatible with our age. She explained what to do when that is the case. If your actual age is 45 and your vascular age is 55, it means that you have blood vessels like a healthy 55-year-old.

The thickening of the wall of the carotid artery, the so-called intimomedial complex or IMC, is measured with modern ultrasound devices.

Blood, analysis, blood donation, sugar, blood group

Photo: Shutterstock, illustration

“IMK is an early biomarker of vascular age, atherosclerosis, and cardiovascular disease. The average thickness is 0.5 to 1.5 mm. Research has shown that for every increase in IMK of 0.1 mm, the risk of heart attack increases by 11 percent, increases with age by about that, and is emphasized in smokers, patients with high levels of fat in the blood, hypertension, diabetes, “said Dr. Radak.

With medications and lifestyle changes, we can slow the progression of the disease and sometimes even stop it. If there are significant narrowings, we refer the patient to a vascular surgeon who solves the problem with surgery or stenting. “By establishing normal blood flow to the brain, strokes, dementia and other problems are prevented,” he said.

“It has been observed that the presence and severity of atherosclerotic changes vary significantly between people of the same age and can significantly affect the likelihood and outcome of many diseases or interventions. If a doctor knows the vascular age, they will have a clearer picture of your cardiovascular system, “he explained. .

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