If this is allowed, it will not be with my consent!


Fall is a favorite part of the year for celebrations, weddings, christenings. However, this year there is an aggravating circumstance: the corona virus. While all the newlyweds are wondering what will happen to the entire organization, whether the number of guests will increase, what will happen to the guests from abroad, epidemiologist Dr. Predrag Kon has only one answer for them.

With the reduction in the number of infected, many thought that it would be possible for life to return to normal. With the return to normal, everyone hoped to be able to enjoy the festivities again. This is a “mission impossible” for epidemiologists, and this is exactly what epidemiologist Predrag Kon emphasized in an interview with “Politika”.

– We cannot allow the explosion of various celebrations and weddings and everything that is postponed in this situation and just waits a moment to be approved. Then the massive possibility of virus transmission would open up. I understand the desire to organize celebrations, but that is impossible at the moment – says Kon.

The forecast is not more favorable for fans of sporting events who were hoping to return to the stands and return to the games.

Just MarriedPhoto: Profimedia
Just Married

– When it comes to matches in front of the audience, it is up to the organizers if they will be able to control the situation and prevent the transmission of the virus. Until someone takes responsibility for the organization, it will most likely not be possible to hold matches in front of a large number of fans. If that’s allowed, I want it to be known that it is contrary to my opinion: our epidemiologist was sharp.

In recent days a large number of recordings of various demonstrations, club celebrations, swimming pools, performance squares of passionate artists have appeared. The audience was mostly young people who did not follow any epidemiological recommendation. And the discos?

– We received a letter from nightclubs that they could not guarantee their visitors that they would wear protective gear. Therefore, it is not possible to allow them to work – concluded Kon.

Not to mention taking off the masks …
