If the epidemiological situation worsens, the elections will be postponed again


Opposition representatives who announced their participation in the upcoming elections said after a meeting with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic that the conversation was expected, with no surprises regarding the election date, and Milos Jovanovic of the coalition. Broom added that it was formal and practically legalized. decisions that have already been made.

Given that according to the announcements, the state of emergency will be lifted this week, the date of the elections, they say, was to be expected.

The head of the Democratic United Serbia list, Marko Đurišić, told Tanjug that his proposal to consult epidemiologists during the drafting of the Instructions for conducting the elections was accepted.

Đurišić explains that it will be necessary to carry out procedures for the work of the voting station members, but also for the citizens who are going to vote.

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Part of the opposition announced a protest in front of the Assembly, because, as they say, the violation of the Constitution and the unconstitutional introduction of the state of emergency and the accompanying measures.

– As for the date, from the beginning there was a dilemma on June 14 or 21, which is within limits when elections can be held if the state of emergency is lifted this week. Most of the participants were in favor of it being more appropriate than later “- said Đurišić.

The chairman of the Democratic Party of Serbia, Miloš Jovanović, assessed that the meeting was partially formal, because the current government has already made some decisions, adding that the meeting was a kind of legitimization of those decisions.

– “There were two dates on the table, most of the actors would hold the elections later, and there were also proposals to move to the end of August. In case the epidemiological situation worsens, a state of emergency will be reintroduced and not Elections will be held, but the epidemiological evaluation is not the case for now – Jovanović said.

According to Jovanović, when it came to the campaign, there was an opinion that it would not be excessively off the field, and the government, he says, did not agree with that until the end.

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Dragan Djilas protest

– “I’m not sure what should be done,” said Jovanović.

SPAS President Aleksandar Šapić says the government informed them about the assessment of the epidemiological situation and what the “options at stake” are. Sapic said that if the elections were postponed, the Constitution would be violated, because the state of emergency is expected to be lifted this week.

– “In accordance with that, a proposal was presented due to possible measures and health reasons and a longer stay with a notary so that the municipalities can also verify the signatures, and that was accepted,” Šapić said.

Šapić also conveyed that should the situation worsen, the electoral process will stop again and the elections will be postponed until the conditions for their holding are met.

Notification activation paragraph test

