The Mayor of Novi Sad, Miloš Vučević, as a guest on RTV 1 on the program “Grad i mi”, stated that “The Infectious Diseases Clinic is in the first line of defense, but that we ourselves must be responsible and disciplined to help them a bit”.
We cannot expect miracles to be possible if we do everything we can to endanger our own health or that of our family members. Without solidarity and unity, we cannot succeed in this challenge that lies ahead. As for the numbers, they are not good, they are not that dramatic, but they are very worrying. We have a strong progression in Novi Sad in the number of infected, as is the trend throughout Serbia. Novi Sad is a large city with an active public life, with a large number of students, pupils and employees. Yesterday we had a day with 119 new infections, so far the record day was July 23 when we had 135 after the riots and protests, everything reflected. It is indisputable that in the coming days we will face great challenges. Unfortunately, part of the population does not believe in that. People who ridicule all those decisions, who don’t care, who knowingly violate some measures, will be the first to photograph and publish them in the event of a collapse of the healthcare system. They are the same people who go to parties today and pretend it doesn’t happen. And if they waited in lines at Kovid dispensaries, they would take a frustrated photo and say that our health care system is not working, completely ignoring the fact that they directly influenced that circumstance, no health system in any country in the world can accept an unlimited number of citizens. declared the mayor.
We appeal to respect the measures
The problem is that half the people are going to change the channel, because they are not interested in this story, and God forbid that the number of our dead begins to grow, then the witch hunt will begin: who is responsible, how did it happen , why do we allow it. and so everything in a circle. When that spiral of difficult situations begins and we say that it is not going well, that we are correcting our behavior to avoid the worst case, some people do not touch it. And they criticize the first ones who did not respect the rules and did not want to act preventively. That is why it appeals and fights for prevention, not so that someone trains rigor, wants to ban public life, everything that adorns the normal functioning of normal life, but to avoid the collapse of the health system. We can turn all the clinics back into kovid hospitals, but then we know that we will endanger oncology, pulmonology, neurology patients, all those with other diseases. Therefore, I once again call on not only the citizens of Novi Sad, but also others to all come to our senses to be disciplined and preserve our own health and the health of our families, to preserve schools and kindergartens, universities, jobs, so as not to have to adopt restrictive measures. , above all, to preserve health, but also our economy. Those who are more disciplined will win, it was demonstrated in spring and summer, now it will be the same. The good thing is that the Novi Sad Health Center has never had a greater number of seasonal flu vaccinations, that is, around 21,000 and so far it has been around 7,000 a year on average and now we must wait until it is found. the Kovid 19 vaccine, anger, nervousness, disappointment or discouragement will not improve the situation, we can make it worse, because if you push the carpet problem, it grows.
We are ready for new challenges
I am very satisfied with how the city functioned during the first wave, thanks to the discipline of the citizens, but also to the economic strength of the city. We have followed all the measures implemented by the state and helped entrepreneurs, adult citizens with unique assistance, to help increase the salaries of all health workers, now there will be unique assistance, we have helped retirees, everything is a reflection of the force of a state. at the city level we had three packages of measures. You can always say that it could have been even more, but I did not see that any city in Serbia had even an approximate package. We have shown responsibility in doing so. As for us as a city, we are not tired or tired, we are prepared to respond to all challenges and make all the necessary decisions to preserve the health of our citizens and the economy of our city. I do my best not to take repressive measures.
Now we are disinfecting public institutions: kindergartens, schools, health centers, buses, where there is a greater concentration of the population. They are treated separately. I think we are going to put up with not closing schools during this semester, and I think it is much better for children to have this type of combined teaching, because a living word is always better and more necessary. First of all, I’m talking about the lower grades of elementary school, it’s hard for champions to go to school without seeing a teacher. Except for the “Josip Slavenski” primary music school, which switched to online classes, all other schools practice combined classes. In elementary schools we have six infected employees, five of them in the mentioned music school, and the principal of a primary school, who is the mother, is an employee of the music school. We have seven students with a milder clinical picture, while in secondary schools we have three infected employees and one student. In kindergartens, we have nine infected people in 70 preschool facilities, and not all the educators and one child are there. I appeal to parents to be patient, to respect that the child is taken until 8 in the morning, as well as all people who use public transport to wear masks. There are still people who have the dilemma of wearing masks or not. There is always some interpreter of the Constitution of the law and the declaration of rights and freedoms, but if we took them to the Infectious Diseases Clinic to see how people breathe with respirators, then they would talk about human rights.
Investing in health is a priority
The whole region is on fire. Serbia is still fantastically holding up. You know what it means when Montenegro has 200 infected people, it’s like Serbia has 3000 a day! The city of Zagreb itself, with a million inhabitants, has more infected people than all of Serbia. Look at the Czech Republic, Romania, Austria, Germany. We have 484 active cases in Novi Sad, but no resident of Novi Sad has a respirator. I would like to emphasize that there is an initiative to convert the health center in Novi Naselje into a Kovid clinic, where there would be special wards for children, pregnant women and the elderly. We are working on a new health center in Adice and have started to design a health center in the Vidovdan settlement, which should start construction in the second half of next year. We want to make it easier for people to get to the doctor and get professional medical care. It is necessary for Novi Sad to obtain a city hospital, and the good news is that the EIB is completing all the procedures related to the decision on the contractor in blocks B and C of the Vojvodina Clinical Center, which was expected since 1979. I think that at the beginning of next year, we will be able to see the works and, by modifying the law on the network of health institutions in the Republic of Serbia, draw up a general city hospital that should take over from KCV. With the construction of the Clinical Center, we will create an opportunity to get a general hospital in Novi Sad. Investing in the health system is the top of all priorities. This has been shown to all countries. We have to invest a lot in our doctors, nurses, technicians, employees of social welfare institutions.
Landscaping of the University Park, construction of a bicycle bridge
There is a beautiful action together with the university in the second half of November, and it is the reconstruction of the University Park. There will also be a beautiful amphitheater, new tree plantations and I think the people of Novi Sad will be satisfied. In addition, we have not given up on the pedestrian-cycle bridge, we are talking with a European bank. It will be a larger project, not just a bridge. But also the entrance to the tunnel, the panoramic elevator. I think we will see a lot of funds in the budget of the Republic of Serbia for the construction of the fourth bridge.
Our idea is to revive the Great Liman. It is impossible to want a strong Novi Sad and leave the failed factories, we have no right to leave such a city to our children and not use all the potential I have thanks to the Danube River. Our predecessors were brave. Today someone wants to tell us that we should not touch anything. Those who dispute the investment in parts of Novi Sad sold the Novi Sad shipyard by privatizing the robbery, that in those factories people were laid off, that no ships were produced for ten years, that we have rusty corridors, cranes, whatever It was once the pride of the shipping industry, today a warning of irresponsible policy. There are initiatives to build a stadium for bicycles that we had in the Olympic cities. As a city, we will try to subsidize the purchase of bicycles.

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