“If Serbia recognized Kosovo, we would be the best for you”



18.09.2020. 21:14

Tonight, the vice president of the Main Board of the SNS, Marko Đurić, assessed that the professor in Graz, Florian Bieber, thinks of a reason to attack Serbia every day and says something bad about his society, and now, like himself He says, believes that Serbia is to blame for the long-term crisis in the EU. moratorium on the admission of new members.

Marko Đurić

Marko Đurić, Photo: Tanjug / Dragan Kujundžić

“The slowdown in European integration is not a consequence of social deficiencies in Serbia, although according to Bieber we are probably the worst society in the world, but problems in the EU itself, and both primary school children and branch birds are aware of that, only Bieber is not, “Đurić said in a statement.

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It emphasizes that the problem is not with Serbia and the quality of its internal reforms, but with Kosovo and Metohija and our determination to persistently defend the national and state interests of Serbia.

“The second song would be sung by Bieber and all the other anti-Serb analysts who activate the button if Serbia recognizes the unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo; suddenly we would become the best, the most advanced and the most modern, and Bieber would have material for another book on the specter of Serbian nationalism and successful denazification. Serbs “, Đurić evaluated.

Kosovo and Metohija, Serbia

Kosovo and Metohija, Serbia, Photo: Shutterstock

He also says that the Serbian people do not need Bieber’s pat on the back, because what we defend legally, democratically and peacefully is the basis of our self-esteem and identity, and we will not give it up because of anyone’s criticism, and certainly not. for Bieber’s everyday lies and fabrications.

Florian Bieber, a professor at the Center for Southeast European Studies at the University of Graz, previously told H1 that “the stagnation in European integration is the result of stalled reforms in Serbia” and criticized the government for not doing enough and not have a new government.

He also believes that the EC should react much more harshly to the alleged shortcomings of the rule of law in Serbia.

Speaking of the negotiations between Belgrade and Pristina, he said that “it sounds unrealistic to him that France and Germany expect a solution by the end of the year” and estimates that the negotiations will last at least until next year.
