“If Bartholomew recognizes the Macedonian church …”


Greek ecclesiastical circles commented on the demands of the Macedonian authorities to the ecumenical patriarch Bartholomew for the autocephaly of the Macedonian church.

Source: Sputnik

Illustration: Depositphotos / Artzzz

Illustration: Depositphotos / Artzzz

The “back door” opened by the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, apparently, did not close at the time of publication of the volume on the autocephaly of the schismatic church in Ukraine, which caused outrage and pain among millions of Orthodox Christians around the world. .

In this way, Greek ecclesiastical circles commented on the demands of the Macedonian authorities to the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew for the autocephaly of the Macedonian Church.

Sources from the ecclesiastical circles of North Macedonia in an interview for “Sputnik” expressed their concern and dissatisfaction with this event.

According to Dmitris Celegidis, a professor at Aristotle Theological University in Thessaloniki, the issue of autocephaly is an obvious issue for the Serbian Orthodox Church.

If the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew recognizes the autocephaly of the Macedonian Orthodox Church not canonically recognized, it will be outside his authority, as in the case of Ukraine.

“Everything is absolutely clear. Obviously, this issue is the competence of the Serbian Orthodox Church. If the Ecumenical Patriarch begins to recognize autocephaly, he will go beyond authority, as in the case of Ukraine. Such church movements only create problems “, emphasizes the teacher.

“Since we do not recognize the neighboring country like North Macedonia, how can you expect us to recognize Macedonian autocephaly? There is no ‘Macedonian Church’ in Skopje. In my opinion, Patriarch Bartholomew should not grant them autocephaly,” the metropolitan said. Florinski and Prespa. Eordeski Teoklit.

Sources in the circles of the Greek Orthodox Church close to the Holy Synod affirm that the Greek Orthodox Church will follow the will of Patriarch Bartholomew, as in the case of granting autocephaly to the Ukrainian Church.

At the end of 2019, the former high representative of the Greek Orthodox Church told Sputnik that the Greek Orthodox Church will not be able to oppose the existence of an independent Macedonian church. This is because the Greek archbishops lost their veto power when they recognized the right of the Patriarch to grant autocephaly in full.

Archpriest Theodoros Zisis, professor of theology at Aristotle University in Thessaloniki, commented on Bartholomew’s actions and said that “Bartholomew is trying to win the support of the majority in the church world by creating his own churches, and is trying to weaken both the Serbian and Russian churches. “
