
Photo: Zorana Jevtić, Illustration
Today Mayor Zoran Radjičić again appealed to citizens to take responsibility tonight as we welcome 2021 and take care of themselves and the health of their loved ones.
Radojicic said that today two groups of inspectors from the city and the republic will work to control whether the measures are respected in the capital. According to him, 20 teams will be in control until 6 pm, the other 20 after 6 pm, and the shifts will overlap in one segment.
The mayor says that there are two aspects, one is until 6 in the afternoon, taking into account that certain gatherings have been announced in 20 places, and the other aspect is to review, control and sanction after 6 in the afternoon, if there are larger gatherings in public places and violations of the measures. .
– When we estimate that the risk of spreading the epidemic is great, we will react. Since the start of the pandemic, we have carried out more than 21,500 checks, around 800 fines have been drawn up and facilities have been emptied 29 times. Although certain celebrations have been announced until 6 pm, it is important to adhere to the measures, which will of course be controlled – said the mayor.

Radojicic also pointed out that, in addition to regulations and legal frameworks, it is much more important to repeat that the key things are wearing a mask and keeping your distance:
– I heard the newly elected US President Joe Biden, who insists and pleads that the masks be worn for another hundred days. If there are more than five of us and one person has the virus, there is a great possibility that two people will be infected. However, it is dangerous if this person does not know that they are infected in the next three days, so they can transmit the virus to 200 other people. So during a meeting, 200 people can get infected, and we currently have 800 infected in Belgrade.
He also referred to the private celebrations that will be organized in the houses and added that the communal militia will act together with the police.
– I start with the fact that people are conscientious, and even if they meet, I hope they are smaller groups. I think that 80 or 90 percent of people will respect the measures and protect their own health and that of their loved ones. The communal militia will monitor and call the police where necessary, and I believe that our fellow citizens will inform us about the problems. The same problem exists in all parts of the world, even in disciplined countries, with a developed system of control, organization and punishment, such as Germany, France or England – concluded Radojicic.

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