If a miracle does not occur, measures will have to be expanded


“It is not only the numbers that matter, the essence is that the health system is so tense, that the situation is unsustainable, and that is why it is necessary to focus only on our urgent needs in the next five days,” said the immunologist. and crisis staff member Srdja Jankovic.

“If a miracle doesn’t happen, I think these measures will have to be expanded,” said Dr. Janković, reports RTS.

The director of KBC Zvezdara, who is re-entering the kovid system, Petar Svorcan, also believes that these five days will not be enough, but that stricter measures are necessary.

“At Zvezdara we are entering the kovid system for the fourth time.” By Sunday morning, we filled the capacities we left for Kovid patients, and now we have to transfer or discharge about 300 non-Kovid patients. and that they were being treated at home in order to enter Kovid’s system at full capacity, “Svorcan said.

Cut off all unnecessary contacts

Belgrade Mayor Zoran Radojicic says the numbers are being monitored and the most important thing is to stop the growth of the number of patients first and then reduce it.

“The situation is extremely serious, the measures that have been introduced are adequate, but we will continue to monitor the situation.” It was realistic to expect the pandemic to last two years, like the previous ones, and I hope we get out of it next spring, ”says Radojicic.

Srdja Jankovic says that there were conditions for some measures to be tightened earlier, as well as that the medical part of the Crisis Staff has been proposing something similar since mid-February.

“But the implementation of measures is also important. It is difficult after a year to persuade people to adhere to restrictive measures, never wanting to accuse, the more they are implemented, the better. Sure, we would have achieved more if some had been done. cuts before, but logistical and psychological aspects also play a role here. “Now we have to reduce our life back to basic necessities and make it last as long as necessary,” Janković said.

Professor Svorcan says the only way to prevent the spread of the virus is to cut off all unnecessary contacts to slow down the virus and make things easier for healthcare system employees.

“Doctors and staff are tired and we have to do everything possible so that these numbers start to fall,” emphasizes Svorcan.

Balance and solidarity necessary in the fight against covid

The mayor of Belgrade says that the most important thing is to find a balance because, as he says, the health system cannot work if there is no money, if the economy does not work, and there is no economy if there are no healthy people. .

“We must enter the fight against kovid in solidarity. Is two weeks enough? It is an incubation period and we have an increase right after larger gatherings, in ski resorts and elsewhere. We are struggling to find a balance, not we must lose energy, but move from one phase to another, “said Radojicic.

There is fear that the meetings will now move to the houses, says the mayor, but points out that the communal militia can intervene based on the report if a greater number of people gather.

Speaking of the current situation in hospitals, Professor Svorcan says that the patients who are hospitalized are mostly between 40 and 60 years old and have a more severe clinical picture.

“They are moving very quickly towards oxygen support and intensive care. From conversations with colleagues in other hospitals, we concluded that the clinical picture is more difficult and that more infected people require hospitalization,” Svorcan said.

Dr. Janković says he is satisfied with the vaccination so far, but points out that it needs to continue.

“Now it is very important to maintain continuity and for those who have not done it so far do it as soon as possible. This is a very dangerous disease that has proven to be unpredictable and strikes people who are not in risk groups, ”Janković noted.

Read more about covid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the Coronavirus page.
