I WORK on rafts and cafes LIMITED at 6pm, so let them keep drinking at home


The peak of the third peak of the corona virus epidemic will likely be in November, believes retired epidemiologist Radmilo Petrović, adding that celebrations and nightlife are the biggest risk of spreading the infection.

He stated for Tanjug that the third hit of the virus will be “strong and sharp” and that it only depends on compliance with the measures when it reaches its peak, but that it will most likely be in November.

He emphasizes that masks are, for now, the most effective protection, but that it is also important to keep your distance and wash your hands regularly.

He says that the Crisis Staff measures to fight kovid 19 are good, but that the work of the restoration facilities should be additionally limited.

– The measures are good, but I don’t know why they let the rafts, the restaurants, the cafes work until 11 at night. Their working hours should be limited to 6 p.m. and then let them continue drinking at home and having fun, Petrović said.

He also points out that the big problem is the lack of competent sanitary inspectors to control the implementation of the measures.

He also supports the announcement of tougher sanctions for failure to comply with prescribed measures and believes that the “in situ sanction” is more effective.

He believes that there will be no epidemics of the flu virus this season and that there will be no confrontation between the two viruses, because masks have also proven to be an effective measure to prevent the spread of that virus.

– An influenza epidemic occurs every eight to ten years. Last winter, we had a higher number of patients, so this year is not expected – said Petrovic.

He points out that the most effective measure in suppressing the corona virus is vaccination, but that there certainly won’t be vaccines until next year. Until then, it remains the only protection: masks, distance, hand washing.

It notes that coronavirus vaccines should be given in at least two doses, unlike flu vaccines that are given in a single dose.

– It is a virus that our body is unaware of and therefore two doses must be administered. The flu virus has been around for a long time, there is already a slight protection in each of us and one dose is enough to raise the level of antibodies (protection) – he explained.
