“I won’t fuck her, I’ll stab her in the spit!” Vladimir Đukanović responded to the horrible death threat!



05/13/2020 22:04 – 05/13/2020. 22:27

Vladimir Đukanović

Vladimir Đukanović, Photo: Print screen / Youtube

Tonight, the SNS Presidency member and the deputy Vladimir Đukanović received another threatening message on Facebook with a false name, and the content of the message is more than creepy.

Threats to Vladimir Djukanovic on Facebook

Threats to Vladimir Đukanović on Facebook, Photo: screen print

It is even unpleasant to comment on the barrage of such insults that Djukanovic received at the expense of his loved ones.

When asked if he feared for the safety of his family after the horrible threats, the SNS MP was very clear!

Vladimir Đukanović commented on this situation for Alo.rs:

I don’t know who hides behind these threats, I receive them almost every day, they really hate me! I can easily overcome some insults, but when it comes to a monster like this, I report it to the UCP, so if they find it, they find it … anytime. I’ll light a candle for your health. “

Where does this lead to when someone’s campaign against families and death threats begins?

It is already a well-known method in the world, especially in the United States, where the so-called psychological pressure on someone develops. They decide to send such things, and it may not be pleasant for all normal people, and that means that that will also bother you.

I must emphasize that a couple of times ago I received a threat similar to the one that the police reacted to very quickly and arrested the man in question, who also sent me horrible threats. Vladimir Đukaović.
