I went to raise her pension and found her with a knife to her heart. Mama had a HARD LIFE


GRANDMA COKE'S SON DESCRIBED THE HORROR IN THE HOUSE: I went to raise her pension, and I found her with a knife to her heart!  Mama had a HARD LIFE

Photo: Vladimir Šporčić, Printscreen

Marko Stojanović, son of Stojanka Stojanović (72), better known as grandmother Coka, suspected of suicide on December 10 and accused of murdering investors in 2018, described to Kurir how his mother lived, emphasizing that she was in very bad condition, as if she had had several surgeries, and that she had been hospitalized several times. Stojanka committed suicide the moment Marko left the house.

– I went to raise my pension and buy small things. When I returned home, I found her with a knife in her heart … – says Marko and adds:

– My mother had a hard life. My father passed away when I was six and she was 34. That had consequences for her. She became ill and disabled. Then they told him to choose death or life and the fact that he had a minor child who depended on it. Fortunately, he decided to fight, Stojanović wrote in an email, which he sent to the Courier in October, after his mother ended up in the hospital, because he drank more sedatives.

Stojanović later wrote that his mother had been treated for a long time.

– He never remarried, fought for my own life and mine. The price of stress and the constant struggle she led caused additional health problems; He stated and added that Stojanka, despite all the problems, had a good word for everyone.

– Most of our neighbors know her for her justice. He had a sense of humor and an innate charm, Stojanović said, referring to Coka’s days in detention. – When she was arrested for murder, she fell into custody and broke her hip. She was operated on at the Military Medical Academy and returned to the CZ detention center, where she was the oldest detainee. After being released home with the nanogic, the ambulance became our regular guest; he wrote and added that after that he had more interventions.

– He drank a lot of medicine, he became a shadow of what he was before, immobile and destroyed. I no longer knew how to use the phone – says the son of a woman who, with the murder of investor Zoran Trifunović, divided the public between those who saw heroin in her and those who considered her a cold-blooded killer.

She was already trying to kill Sekla’s veins and taking sedatives.

Stojanka Stojanović was found dead on 10 December at her home in Zvezdara with a knife stuck in her chest and next to her body was a farewell letter. It is suspected that he committed suicide when his son withdrew. By the way, this is not the first time that Grandma Coka has raised her hand. Twice she has tried to harm herself since she was arrested. Once in custody, cutting his veins with a plastic cup, and the second time two months ago, when he took sedatives. Likewise, at the first hearing for the murder of the investor, Coka sent a letter to the court in which he stated that “he will hang himself in the shed if he has to go to trial.”

Stojanovic ended with the words:

– What happened to her? Life, destiny, I don’t know. Thanks to the small number of people who help us, I would not have survived without your help. We are about to shoot mentally, financially.

Recall, in 2018, grandmother Coka killed an investor in Zvezdara in Belgrade in the middle of the street with several gun shots, who, as her son claimed, harassed her for years, pressuring her to sell him a house and land. He died Thursday, stabbing himself in the heart.


Photo by Vladimir Šporčić / printscreen

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Author: delivery courier
