I went to meetings with the bosses with the BABY! The child in custody was fed by a VIDEO guard


A criminal organization led by a 37-year-old Serbian woman, whose main “activity” was the cultivation and production of marijuana for international distribution, the most powerful gang in Catalonia was dissolved this year. The arrest of a Serbian citizen and 31 other people broke the international chain of marijuana smuggling and revealed incredible details of the life of a Serbian woman.

The gang, led by a Serbian woman whose identity has not yet been announced, operated in the territory of Barcelona and Tarragona, growing marijuana on 12 plantations that the police broke into and dismantled. These are very complex systems of rapid cultivation of cannabis stems hidden in remote places, in log cabins and other facilities rented by a Serbian woman and her partner.

Apart from the complexity of this criminal network, in which citizens of Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Spain and Great Britain participated, the main characteristic of the gang is a woman at the top of the hierarchy who committed her crime with a baby in arms.

Citing its sources, the Spanish portalvanaguardia.com announced that the investigators were astonished to see the newborn in the house where the Serbian woman and her partner, presumably the father of the child, were staying.

The same portal writes that the Serbian woman performed all the tasks and obligations taking the baby with her, even when she was meeting with marijuana buyers.

photo: Print screen

– I would go with the baby to control the plantations and to meet other drug traffickers. He gave orders while he was carrying a child in his arms, sources told Lavanguardia.com.

When, after his arrest, the suspect was transferred with the baby to the Santa Andre de la Barca detention center, the baby did not stop crying. The woman told the guards that the baby was crying because she was hungry, but that she did not have money to buy her food because they took everything from her in the police action.

Wanting to calm the baby, one of the guards went to the pharmacy and bought formula. As soon as he took a sip, the child calmed down, write this portal.

photo: Print screen

Plantations discovered by fire

Catalonia’s most powerful marijuana grow gang probably would have been in business for some time if there hadn’t been a fire in a house in Olivela, Barcelona, ​​in July. The fire was caused by poorly installed facilities, that is, a large flow of electricity pumped by ventilation machines, lights and other equipment intended for growing cannabis. That got the attention of the authorities and they launched an investigation …

In the police action that took place a week ago, 12,600 plants, 190 kilograms of processed buds and 50,000 euros in cash were seized. No firearms were found in any of the actions, Spanish police announced.

– The plantation custody work was carried out by the citizens of Serbia who were hired by the arrested woman – she paid them the trip to Spain and gave them a fixed “salary” for the work. From time to time, he would bring in new workers and send old ones to Serbia so as not to arouse suspicion, the Spanish media write. In addition to the Serbs, the Croats, the British and the locals were employed on the plantations in various jobs.


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