Jay Ramadanovski will be buried on Friday in the Alley of Deserving Citizens in the New Belgrade Cemetery according to Islamic customs. Although he celebrated Good Friday, the glory he took from his ex-wife Nada, and regularly attended church in Kalemegdan, it did not change his faith, although he wanted to. He spoke about it ten years ago for the scandal:
– I was born in a mixed family. Since my father is Muslim and my mother is Christian, I inherited my father’s faith. I grew up on the streets and couldn’t think about whether I would tell someone that they were Catholic, Orthodox or Muslim. It just wasn’t that important to me, but as the years went by, I became more and more godly.
photo: Youtube Printscreen, Damir Dervišagić
Jay later noted that he regretted not being able to sponsor his friends because of their faith:
– My dear friends often called me to be their best man, both at weddings and baptisms, and I had to reject them because I was not baptized. That would make me very sad every time, because I love some of them as if they were my own brothers. By the way, I am very pious and I regularly attend St. Petka’s church, where I light candles for my loved ones. For a while, I even went to her every day, while she was in the mosque only a few times.
photo: Dragana Udovicic
It was because of a friend that the singer wanted to become Orthodox.
– I would like to arrange things so that the next time someone invites me to be their godfather I can accept it without any problem. In fact, a few years ago I decided not to change anything in the old days, but I probably make an exception when it comes to faith. Sometimes I jokingly say that I have been repeating this for years, so it may happen that I die as I was born. It does not matter to which God you pray if you sincerely believe in him and in what you do, if your heart and soul are pure as a tear – said Ramadanovski.
Acko Nezirović reveals he wanted the hodja to bathe him
Jay’s friend Acko Nezirovic says that all of his friend’s wishes will be fulfilled:
photo: Pritnscreen
– His father and grandfather were buried according to Islam. He said, “I want the hodja to bathe me and everything to be as Islam dictates.” He told our friends that. He asked that a violin and a tamburitza be played for music. He also said that we should definitely drink brandy for his soul, because he loved to drink. And yet, on the other hand, he celebrated Good Friday, because he took that glory from his ex-wife Nada.