I was wondering whether to kill the bad guys


NP (49), a resident of Novi Sad, was arrested on suspicion of sexually abusing a neighbor (8) from May to September, when he was staying at his home as a guest. The alleged pedophile was handcuffed the day before yesterday and is charged with the crime of illegal sexual activity.

– The girl confided in her mother after the third attack, and reported everything to the police. She was ordered to be detained for up to 48 hours, says the source, writes “Kurir”.

Horrified and shocked

The victim’s mother says she is shocked and horrified that a man assaulted her son when her daughter knew her from birth and who they trusted unconditionally.

– He attacked my daughter three times, and after the third case, she steeled herself and told me what was happening. Our neighbor, my best friend’s husband, took off his pajamas, panties and touched her. Fortunately, it didn’t hurt him more seriously, but he did experience great trauma, the shocked woman says.

According to him, NP abused the girl when she was at home, where she went with her parents, but also alone, since she was with her children.

– The first time he attacked her when she was sleeping at home, the second time at the weekend house, where we went as a family with her entire family, and the third time a few days ago, to celebrate her son’s birthday. Her children and wife were also in that rented house in the vicinity of Novi Sad – says the interlocutor.

The woman gives support

– His wife knows everything, we are in contact and I told her when I reported it. She gives me unconditional support because she herself was the target of that man – she says.

The mother claims that her daughter had a conversation with workers at the Social Work Center and that it was determined that she was telling the truth.

– When I heard what he was doing to my daughter, I was thinking of killing the bastard. But then I would go to jail and my traumatized son would be left without a mother. I could not remain silent, I denounced him and I want to put him in jail – added the unhappy woman.

They were inseparable: their children were born the same day

According to the victim’s mother, they were with the suspect for years.

– His wife and I gave birth the same day. From that moment on we became inseparable. My son played with his children, the children slept together countless times, we were like a house. I didn’t think for a second whether to let her go there or if they should come. Now I can tell everyone to open all four eyes – says the amazed woman.
