“I WAS SILENT FOR THE CHILDREN, I DON’T UNDERSTAND WHAT IS DRAWING ME” For the first time, Mina Lazarević’s ex-husband about their fight and ARREST


The soloist of the Belgrade National Theater ballet, Goran Stanić, spoke about the incident that occurred five years ago between him and his ex-wife, actress Mina Lazarević.

Lazarevic MinePhoto: Dejan Briza / RAS Serbia

Lazarevic Mine

As the media wrote in 2015, after the quarrel between the spouses, there was allegedly physical violence against the actress, and Stanić, as it was written, angrily fired an automatic rifle at that time, and the neighbors called the police.

– I was silent for five years for the children. Now he has gone back to exaggerating and talking about violence that did not happen. When I finished in the Central Prison, the investigation lasted a month and the prosecution offered me a settlement. They offered to admit that I verbally attacked my wife in exchange for reducing the punishment for possessing a weapon – Goran now says “Kurir”.

The ballet soloist of the Belgrade National Theater affirmed that today he maintains a correct relationship with his ex-wife.

– I was sentenced to one year of house arrest. Mina and I have a normal relationship today and we agree with the children. I’m not sure what keeps dragging me through the media. They found my gun and I won’t deny it. I paid for my mistake. Of course, I didn’t shoot her, nor did I hit her, Goran says.

Lazarevic MinePhoto: Milorad Milanković / RAS Serbia

Lazarevic Mine

Goran says that he is not to blame for the collapse of their marriage, but that he will not talk about it now.

– Why would they offer me a settlement if they had solid evidence? Today, if everything were as written, I would probably be in jail. My hobby and my weapons are over. I learned that lesson well – says Stanić.

Lazarevic and Stanic were married in 2008 and have two children, who were not in the apartment when the incident occurred. The actress also has a son from her first marriage.

– Mina should speak in the media about her work, roles … She is a great actress – Goran said for the mentioned medium.

Find out Mina Lazarević’s real name HERE.

VIDEO: Mina Lazarevic almost cried on the show while talking about her ex-husband
