I was saving for our house from a dream, and then she left me after eight years of relationship: A man shared a bitter experience, the continuation of the story is the most painful.


“I saved money to buy furniture and decorate the house of our dreams. I traveled a lot for work, so I gave the girl money to organize and buy everything. I trusted her and she wrote it all for herself. When I got home , I saw that he changed the lock, threw my things and what is worse, his new partner moved into the house. In our house, which I financed. I have nothing, I will have to start from the beginning, “wrote a man employed in a IT company, asking advice from the psychotherapist Deidre, writes the British “Sun”.

Deidre considers the behavior of his ex-girlfriend inadmissible.

“If nothing else, you have your good salary, and this is all a great lesson. Since you have invested financially in a relationship, you should also do it emotionally. Long distance love and frequent separation can really be a problem,” he replied.

Breaking emotional ties is usually very painful, it often turns out that the couple is not how they presented themselves or how we experience it.

The aforementioned story lacks the experience of an ex-girlfriend that could change the whole story. But judging by what her ex-partner said, she broke off the relationship with him in the most brutal way.

Members of the region’s most widely read women’s forum also revealed long-term breakup experiences. “We were in a relationship for six years and he left me two weeks ago, before graduation and my birthday,” said a girl, read the continuation of the story in ana rs.

Breakups are also common on the world public stage, see details:
