
Photo: Printscreen / Premiere
The singer and leader of the Tropico band, Aleksandar Sale Cvetković, recently contracted the coronavirus, and has now found out what the recovery process was like.

-I was sad the first week because I was completely alone, no one came, only food at the door, the wedding anniversary went online. It went well, it wasn’t bad, I didn’t have pneumonia, I sat at home for four weeks, I get a little tired. We did an online concert. We had a great time, this was the first performance after the crown, I needed to stabilize myself, but I couldn’t, I was already screaming and jumping, then the next day I fainted, I slept I don’t know how many hours – explained the singer in the program “Premiere” . – Special weekend “.
– We are a musical family, we have no problems, we are a musical family and we are always happy. In this 2020, we have all been dealing with the same things. There were new friends, acquaintances, new trips to Serbia, I traveled our country far and wide, we have a beautiful country. This year it brought me closer to my family, because we were not at home, the children are happier. I always have some decisions for me that are constant: “When are you going to quit smoking, when are you going to lose weight”, but I want to remain an eternal child – Sale added.


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