The hearts of the audience in the series “Family”, whose broadcast ended on Superstar TV and RTS, were won by Radovan Vujović as Vladimir Beba Popović. The Kurir actor reveals how he prepared for the role of Secretary of the Office of Communications in the government of Zoran Djindjic and how he remembered the 1990s and the government of Slobodan Milosevic.
– In the series “Family”, not everything was conceived and based on mere imitation and reconstruction, the challenge for me was to find the right energy and the way you think. As with saving other roles, I tried to gather as much information as possible and find out as much as possible about the character I was playing. I saw his guest appearances on television, read interviews and everything I could find.

Are you surprised by the success of the series and the reactions to it?
– I’m not surprised. When I read the script, I found out who the main actors and conductors of the series are, who is the cinematographer, who writes the music, what approach the director and creator have, it is clear to me what the result will be.
How close is the time that the “Family” series describes to you? How do you remember the government of the Milosevic family?
– I’m not particularly close to that moment. At that time, I was a boy of 16 to 17 years old and other things, better, they occupied me, politics was not even on my mind. Only later did I realize that politics is, sadly, an inseparable part of our lives. I remember the time of the Milosevic government due to electricity restrictions, poverty, lack of money, sanctions, war, inflation, queues, crowds …

What do you think someone who was born in the post-Milosevic era can learn from this series, and what lesson can they learn?
– Everything can be learned from this series. E.g. how easy it is to manipulate people and what are the consequences of such a massive deception. You can learn what war means for a country and for the future of its citizens. It could be understood that the powerful of the world are shaping the destinies of the whole world and that we are a small nation that cannot fight against the great ones, but must manage, preserve and survive wisely … But I doubt that anyone will learn anything of this series. We Serbs have had the opportunity to learn from our mistakes many times throughout history, but this is not the case. Why would it be different now?

I invite the audience to come to the JDP and the Theater on the Hill
Besides cinema, you are also a great theater actor. Where can the audience see you?
– In my Yugoslav Dramatic Theater, but also in the Theater on the Hill. Right in Banovo brdo, I play the works “Look what you want” on April 8 and “My whole body hurts there” on April 10 and 20.
Kurir.rs Masha Kostic

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