“I WAS ONE AND ONLY”, Serbian politicians announced on the occasion of the DEATH OF PATRIARCH IRINEJ


Serbian politicians say goodbye this morning to Patriarch Irinej, who died at VMC Karaburma as a result of the corona virus.

After the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, and the Mayor of Novi Sad, Miloš Vučević, on the occasion of the death of the Patriarch, Vuk Drašković, the Minister of Culture and Information, Maja Gojković, and the Deputy Mayor of Belgrade also intervened, Goran Vesić.

Draskovic: Patriarch Irinej, a silent and tireless builder

SPO President Vuk Draskovic said today that Serbian Patriarch Irinej has moved into the eternal memory and gratitude of the Serbian people as a silent and tireless builder who completed the construction of the Temple of Saint Sava.

Photo: Mitar Mitrović / RAS Serbia

– He has fulfilled his supreme wish and mission of life. Eternal memory – stated Draskovic in a statement sent to the media.

Vesić: The patriarch was one and only

Deputy Mayor Goran Vesić stated that he was honored to meet Patriarch Irinej and to be his contemporary, adding that he was “one and only”.

He wrote on his Facebook on the occasion of the death of the head of the Serbian Orthodox Church that history will show how much Patriarch Irinej did for the Serbian Church, Serbia, the Serbian people, our culture, spirituality and Kosovo.

“Your Holiness, you taught me what conciliarity, faith, love and forgiveness are, every moment we spent with you was an opportunity for us to become wiser and better people. May God and the angels keep you in the kingdom of heaven, “Vesić wrote.

As he wrote, Patriarch Irinej was a man of gentle nature and noble action, the greatest builder, builder, guardian of the church and its Serbian people.

“He did all of this silently, with devotion, diligence, knowing that the only judge is God and his Serbian people. The completion of the Temple of Saint Sava was his life’s work in which he wove himself and so it went to eternity. patriarch will live through the Temple of Saint Sava and every time we look at the beautiful vaults and mosaics of the Temple, in the image of Christ and the Mother of God, we will see the kind face of our patriarch Irinej, “Vesić wrote.

Gojković: He was the pillar of the world’s spiritual values ​​in difficult times

Serbian Minister of Culture and Information, Maja Gojković, sent her condolences to the clergy, monks and believers of the Serbian Orthodox Church, emphasizing that Patriarch Irinej was the pillar of the world’s spiritual values ​​in difficult times.

Photo: Dimitrije Goll / Tanjug

Gojković stated that he received the news of Patriarch Irinej’s death with great sadness and pointed out that his departure deeply affected the Serbian Orthodox Church and the entire Serbian people, who recognized in him the personification of Christian gentleness and human strength.

– He indebted us with his constant commitment and constant care for the welfare, needs and interests of our people. With the strength of his faith, determination in his confession, the patriarch was the pillar of the spiritual values ​​of the world in the challenges of the times in which we live – said Gojković.

Cvijanović: The departure of His Holiness represents a great loss for everyone

The President of the Republic of Srpska, Zeljka Cvijanovic, also expressed her condolences to the Holy Synod of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church, to all archbishops, clergymen, monks and the faithful Serbian Orthodox people.

Photo: Srna / RAS Serbia

– With deep regret and regret, I received the news of the death of His Holiness Patriarch Irinej of Serbia. His Holiness’s departure represents a great loss and pain for the Serbian Orthodox Church, the Serbian people, but also for the entire Christian world, Cvijanović said, it was announced from his office.

He noted that Patriarch Irinej showed the way of peace, justice and wisdom to the believing people and the clergy, even in difficult and challenging times.

Kisić Tepavčević: We are left without a great man, a clergyman and protector of Orthodoxy

The Minister of Labor, Employment, Veterans Affairs and Social Affairs, Darija Kisić Tepavčević, noted in a telegram of condolences that the Serbian Orthodox Church, its believers and all the citizens of Serbia were left without a great man, clergyman and protector of the orthodoxy.

Photo: Slobodan Miljevic / Tanjug

– I received with regret the news of the death of His Holiness Patriarch Irinej. I express my deepest condolences to the Synod of the Serbian Orthodox Church, the clergy, the monks, the believers and all the citizens of Serbia – Kisić Tepavčević said in a telegram of condolences.

Mali: the patriarch had a vision of a better Serbia

Finance Minister Siniša Mali also sent his condolences to all believers in the Serbian Orthodox Church, the Holy Synod of the Serbian Orthodox Church and the citizens of Serbia.

He said that he had the privilege of meeting the patriarch and speaking with him several times.

Photo: Mitar Mitrović / RAS Serbia

– This is a great man who knew Serbia and had a vision for a better Serbia. Today is a day of great pain for our country – said Mali.

Mali stated that it received the news of the patriarch’s death with the deepest regret, because the death of his holiness represents an irreparable loss for the entire Serbian people.

– It was the voice of reason and peace so necessary, especially in the difficult times we are going through. For him, the key to the survival of the Serbian people was unity, and he believed in the ultimate victory of good, victory over adversity. He believed in a better Serbia. The spark of God with which he radiated will never be forgotten – said Mali.

Nedimović: The words and deeds of the patriarch will protect our people

On the occasion of the death of Patriarch Irinej, the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management, Branislav Nedimović, also spoke.

Photo: Dragan Kujundžić / Tanjug

– My condolences to the Serbian Orthodox Church and the people on the occasion of the repose in the Lord of the Serbian Patriarch Mr. Irinej. Our faithful people will retain the words and deeds that remain, said Nedimović in the telegram of condolences.

Atanaskovic: The patriarch deserved our respect and memory

The Minister of Economy, Andjelka Atanasković, sent a telegram of condolences to the Holy Synod of the Serbian Orthodox Church, bishops, clerics and believers on the occasion of the death of Patriarch Irinej.

Photo: nikola andjic / Tanjug

– With the rest of his holiness, Patriarch Irinej, the Serbian church and its believers lost the spiritual leader, who with his authority, wisdom and love fought strongly for the welfare of the Serbian people and the church. He deserved our lasting respect and remembrance, states Minister Atanasković’s telegram of condolences.

Mirović: He will be remembered in our hearts as a devotee of God and people

The President of the Provincial Government, Igor Mirović, also sent a telegram of condolences to the Holy Synod of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church on the occasion of the death of Serbian Patriarch Irinej.

“On behalf of the provincial government and on my own behalf, I express my deepest condolences to the clergy, the monks and all the believers of the Serbian Orthodox Church, who were left without their spiritual father, Patriarch Irinej, with gratitude for all that he did for the Serbian people and the Serbian Orthodox Church. He will be remembered from the heart as a devotee of God and the people, “said Mirović.

Photo: Blic / RAS Serbia

He said that today, more than ever, we need unity, harmony and union.

“To remain worthy of the vow of Saint Sava to whom he was faithful until the last day of this earthly life in these difficult times?” It is stated in President Mirović’s telegram of condolences.
