“I was looking for it and then I saw a TERRIBLE SCENE”


Slaviša Buzdokić (50), who died in a car accident at the entrance to Kladovo last night at around four in the evening, came to the Kladovo village of Kladušnica from Nuremberg, where he lives and works, to celebrate, because his cousin had a son.

According to locals, the unfortunate man was driving a “chain” when he landed off the road in a field, while rolling over several times, and the engine fell from the car from the force of the impact. It was found by a relative.

– I drove behind him. At one point, I didn’t see it in front of me, so I went back to look for it and then saw something terrifying. I can’t really speak, understand me, it’s very difficult for me. That’s all I can say at the moment: his cousin speaks briefly and barely.

Traffic accident near KladovoPhoto: Dejana Kecic / RAS Serbia

Traffic accident near Kladovo

According to unofficial information, Slaviša died on the spot. The locals point out that he was a hard-working man and that he never drank alcohol.

– He came on Saturday just to celebrate. It is said that he arrived around four o’clock and that on Sunday he was killed around four in the morning. He was a good man. This is a great tragedy, the locals say.

There was silence and pain in the town of Kladušnica. Everyone is shocked by the tragedy that happened. Everyone has only words of praise for Slaviša.

Locals note that Slavisa, who is a professional driver, has been living and working in Nuremberg, Germany for 30 years.

– His parents and family are there. Her parents left for Germany 40 years ago. Slavisa had a truck, bus and truck company, he was a hard working man. He arrived at the celebration and returned to catch the bus back to Germany, locals add.

Slavisa left behind his wife and two children.
