I WAS IN THE JEEP WITH HIM WHEN THE BOMB EXPLODED The Colombian from Stojanović called FOR THE FIRST TIME AFTER THE MURDER, his daughter also left a message (PHOTO, VIDEO)


Colombian Sonja Suárez Gómez (45), who was in the jeep with Strahinja Stojanović at the time her jeep exploded in New Belgrade, was first announced after the horrific liquidation.

That is, he posted a photo on his Instagram with the quote: “The ego wants quantity, but the soul wants quality.”

Sonja posted this message three days after the gruesome murderPhoto: Social networks

Sonja posted this message three days after the gruesome murder

A little later he published a video in which he says that death does not exist.

– Death does not exist, it was invented by people – it is said in the description of the video.

His daughter Paula, model and model, was also announced after Stojanović’s death. She posted a joint photo of her mother and Stojanovic on Instagram and wrote, “We love you.”

Sonja's daughter posted photos of themPhoto: Social networks

Sonja’s daughter posted photos of them

Banned from leaving Serbia

Let us remind you that Sonja was banned from leaving Serbia. Meanwhile, it was discovered that there were between 1 and 1.5 kilograms of Pentrit explosives under the jeep. It was placed under the driver’s seat. The blast was directed. The gearbox also protected Colombia.

It turns out that all cameras near the site of the blast are being searched and an extensive investigation is underway.

VIDEO: Explosion in New Belgrade
