I WAS A NUN AND DISTRIBUTOR: The veil of mystery around Bagira – Serbian sniper in Ukraine does not fade (VIDEO)


Ukrainian spies recently reposted a list of all Serbian fighters on their battlefield on the Internet. According to data from our services, the number is decreasing, but this issue always threatens to have a negative impact on diplomatic relations between the two countries.

Mythical status

Among the Serbian volunteers fighting on the side of the pro-Russian forces, the nom de guerre of Bagira especially resonates, a sniper who was at one time perhaps the most famous foreign fighter on that bloody battlefield.

The Ukrainian media have written about this Serbian woman on several occasions, but her identity, details of her life and how she was recruited have remained hidden until now. In all appearances in local media or on social media, she hid her face with a headscarf and never spoke about her life.

Due to the aura of mystery, but also the deadly sniper for which she became famous, Bagira acquired an almost mythical status among our fighters. However, while the life story of this 32-year-old girl from Gornji Milanovac sounds like a movie, it is by no means a positive heroic example of a female warrior as she is portrayed.

– Danijela Lazović coached handball when she was young and was very successful in sports. Due to training, she moved from Gornji Milanovac to Golubac, near the Tumane monastery. At one point, she wanted to change her religion, be a Muslim, however, she gave up and decided to go to a monastery. It was not clear to anyone how it arose, since we knew its nature. I’m not even sure she was an adult back then, says a source close to the sniper’s family.

In the next scene of this film, whose genre has elements of war, crime or thriller, Daniela is the abbess of the Tumane monastery. Her new name is – mother Ksenija.

– He often went to Belgrade, although no one knew why. He reportedly stayed with a friend. As soon as he left the monastery, he took off his cloak and behaved completely differently. His visits to Kosovo were more frequent, everything was under a veil of secrecy. After a while, he became suspicious of the police, says the source.

Dilerka droge

It was soon discovered, to general amazement, that “mother Ksenija” was actually dealing in narcotics, which she often used herself, the source continues. For that act, she was arrested and even sentenced to prison. After getting out of jail, Daniela literally disappears. Break contacts with family, friends and start a whole new life. According to information, she left Serbia in November 2014.

– He went to the territory of eastern Ukraine, to the place of Snezhnoye, and joined the “Oplot” command, which included a pro-Russian paramilitary unit called “Regiment of Serbian Hussars”. Within this unit, Lazović was in the position of an infantryman, while later she was deployed in a platoon that specializes in shooting down drones. He took part in various armed actions in the Donbas area, where he excelled in his skills to handle a sniper, according to the source.

In to the Order

In June 2015, the Chief Prosecutor in Belgrade took evidentiary action against Danijela Lazović on suspicion that he had committed the crime of participation in war or armed conflict. As she did not respond to the summons, she was ordered to be interrogated, but the police determined that she had not lived in the home where she was reported for years and that her whereabouts were unknown to her family. Since then, she has become a true “icon” of pro-Russian volunteers in Ukraine, and has often expressed her political views.

During an interview he gave to the Donetsk news agency, he spoke fluently in Russian that he opposed Serbia’s membership in the EU, stating that he came to the Ukrainian battlefield solely out of gratitude to Russia and its people.

It is not known if the motives of the unit were decisive in their departure to the battlefield: the “salary” for such military services varies according to the merits and rank of the warrior and sometimes reaches up to 2,000 dollars a month.

She did not die, she lives in Russia.

In June 2016, public information about Bagira’s death in a conflict with the Ukrainian security forces in the vicinity of Gorolovka appeared, but it turned out to be misinformation. She has lived in Russia with her partner for several years.

Berić recruited Danijela

According to information from our security services, Danijela Lazović came to Ukraine probably through his relationship with Dejan Berić, a native of Putin in Ruma. Beric is one of the most famous Serbian fighters on the Ukrainian battlefield on the side of the pro-Russian forces. The public met him in 2015, when he “arrested” Radomir Počuča, a former journalist and spokesman for the PTJ, for a conflict between volunteers on the Ukrainian battlefield.

Beric himself had an interesting life path. He finished high school in Zemun, where he was also a goalkeeper for the local soccer club. Until 2013, he had a company for the production of PVC joinery. Due to debts, he fired the workers and went to Sochi and Adler. The following year, as a volunteer, he went to the battlefield in Donetsk, where he proved himself a sniper.

He gained experience in warfare during the conflict in the former RFSY because he was a military scout. Russian media also reported that Berić was awarded Novorussia’s highest accolades for “the courage shown in the fights against the Ukrainian army.”


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