“I WANTED TO HIT A CHILD, HE IS A WILD” Incredible ATTACKS on Novak for this detail of the final and YELLING at the ball boy


The eighth game of the deciding set of the Roland Garros final between Novak Djokovic and Rafael Nadal was quite heated.

At first, Djokovic was upset by Nadal’s movements, and then he did something that “crucified” him on social media.

Wanting to speed up the boy picking up the balls as he passed them, Djokovic waved his hands and yelled for him to do it faster, wanting to serve as soon as possible and use a good run against the Spaniard.

Novak DjokovicPhoto: Julien de Rosa / EPA;

Novak Djokovic

What bothered Djokovic before is that Rafa Nadal played at the net with the frame of the racket and did not apologize to the Serbian tennis player who saw the Spaniard go out on his back.

The situation with the boy triggered an avalanche of negative comments that mostly crossed the line of good taste:

“Djokovic wonders why nobody loves him”

“Djokovic yells at the ball picker to hurry up while he’s two sets behind in the Grand Slam final, that says everything you need to know about him”

“Djokovic yells at a boy who collects balls, how wild … An absolute reptile”

“Djokovic tried to hit a boy who was collecting balls, remains of scum”

“If my son had been this ball collector at Roland Garros and Djokovic was yelling at him to hurry up, I hope he would have hit him as hard as possible with the ball between the eyes.”

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