Predrag Zivkovic Tozovac has been in hospital for several weeks, where he was treated after he caught the crown, the singer says he would like the doctors to let him die at home.

– My condition has stabilized after receiving the Chinese vaccine, but now I am very bad mentally. I’m not okay and believe me, I can barely stand up in the hospital. Nobody can come to visit me because this is a covid hospital, and I only talk to my Mima on the phone and I feel sorry for her. I don’t know how he handles the fact that we’re apart, try not to disturb me as we speak. I know that it is so. It’s a horrible feeling when you listen to only oxygen machines peeing all day! Even young people would not tolerate that, it negatively affects the psyche. I go to bed and keep quiet all day, but no one asks me that. I was thinking of asking the doctors to let me go home to die with dignity, but that is not possible. Nor can I go out alone, nor is it possible for anyone to come to see me – said the singer with difficulty, and then praised the staff who attend him, although hospitals, as he says, are enough for his entire life.
– Doctors and nurses are nice to me. Everyone is trying to make my stay here as easy as possible. I don’t miss a thing, but I often complain to them and tell them that it is mentally difficult for me. There are a few more people in the room with me. They die before my eyes every day, there are several patients who are in a very serious condition. That’s why I’d rather be at home and in peace than here – says Predrag.

In addition, the singer called on everyone to get vaccinated.
– I received both doses of the Chinese vaccine and I do not regret it for a second. I think she is largely responsible for the fact that I fought the virus and did not have a more serious clinical picture. I came to the hospital with pneumonia, and who knows what would have happened if I had refused to get vaccinated. I would recommend everyone to protect themselves in this way, it has saved the world from many diseases and epidemics. It is not clear to me that people are so prejudiced. I think no one would approve the release for sale if it was harmful to human health – says the singer and adds:
– I hope the doctors tell me soon that I can go home. I miss everything outside, watch out, people, infections because the virus is not naive – he adds.

Kurir.rs/Srpski Telegraf / MM

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