I trust Verhejia, he will do everything possible to receive the vaccine on time.


“We can expect mass vaccination against the corona virus in Serbia very soon,” said President Aleksandar Vučić. He could not reveal the exact date of the vaccination, because the fight for the vaccine is currently on the world market.

– I have confidence in Oliver Verheji, I am sure that he will do everything possible to receive the vaccines on time. Of course, the vaccines will be free, on which day we will get the first ones, they will not arrive as much as we expected, 10,000 were needed, but 5,000 will arrive. We will first immunize citizens over 75 years of age. We will provide 50,000 vaccines for free. Serbia is a country that has friends. We can quickly expect a mass vaccination. I can’t talk about it because the world is fighting for vaccines, as was the case with respirators. We will have enough vaccinations, we will not be anyone’s guinea pigs, we are looking to make sure – said Vučić on the Prva topic program.

He added that he would receive the vaccine against Kovid 19.

– We work with honesty, responsibility and transparency. Doctors are our heroes, we did not do anything dishonorable, the state provided the conditions, I am especially grateful to the doctors who fought heroically and suffered insults. I would like to thank the hard-working people at the Kruševac Hospital on the eve of Saint Nicholas and who are suffering attacks from all sides. Sorry the opening will be delayed one day, I hope we can open it on Sunday. We will receive the first vaccinations in a few days, and we will first vaccinate people in nursing homes, Vučić noted.

According to him, those with a much higher death toll are giving lectures to Serbia.

The President emphasized that there were mistakes and that all the people who make them do.

– And those who got the applause from the doctors, did not do it by mistake, but because they wanted to remove the applause from the doctors who fought, to get political points. We were the first to always listen to the doctors and they had different points of view. We don’t have better doctors. Respect for Dr. Kona, Nestorović, Pelemiš and everything. But we cannot forbid people what they say. I can’t tell Nestorovic: you don’t know Nestorovic, and I do. He is a wonderful man who has healed many children. We have done everything we can, we have purchased respirators, we have purchased medicines, we have built hospitals and now vaccines are arriving – said Vučić.
