I thought the virus was an INFLATED STORY …


The hospital wards are full. People fight for air. The oxygen cylinders are going at an abnormal speed. Doctors, nurses and technicians do not stop, they die from work. People respect the measures, this has taken off, the situation is serious, this is how Zajecar actor Vladimir Milosevic (42) begins his story, who requested to be a volunteer at the Zajecar Health Center on November 27 and help medical workers .

Photo: Facebook

Milosevic points out that more and more people are being transported by ambulance and fewer and fewer are reaching the hospital standing up. He says that doctors and all medical personnel give the last atom of their strength to help each patient, and that they need help, even if they don’t ask for it.

– Everyone works as a large and well coordinated team. And doctors, nurses, technicians, other health workers, the leadership of ZC, the city’s crisis headquarters headed by Mayor Boško Ničić, city enterprises. The mayor provided all the necessary equipment for the volunteers. They all complement and work, the way they cooperate with each other is commendable. However, health workers are also positive, in isolation, and there are more and more patients, there are missing people because the situation is serious. I would appeal to citizens to respect the measures and protect themselves, to apply who can volunteer and help, because that help means a lot in these moments in which more and more people with difficult clinical conditions are fighting for their lives – continues our interlocutor.

He describes the daily landscape in the hospital as a difficult condition, when doctors constantly work to save human lives.

– I had the opportunity to see people who are in a difficult condition, struggling for oxygen. Whereas before one bottle of oxygen lasted up to two weeks in the thoracic department, now four bottles of oxygen go to one patient a day. A full bottle weighs about 70 kg, it must be carried upstairs, can the nurses do it every day? For now, the volunteers are helping them. And the photos with the most difficult patients are chilling. Body tremors, deprivation, struggle to breathe. Sometimes it reminds me of the horror movie Exorcism. When the doctors and nurses come out, they are literally wet to the skin under all that equipment. I ask everyone to take into account and respect the measures, because the situation is not naive at all – emphasizes Milosevic.

Photo: Facebook

Before applying to volunteer, Vladimir contracted the coronavirus himself. Apart from him, his wife also tested positive for kovid-19, as well as his 11-month-old son, father-in-law and mother-in-law.

– I went through with milder symptoms, fever, headache, milder cough. The son also had a fever for a day, the wife had no symptoms other than a milder temperature, the mother-in-law also, only the father-in-law had a high temperature that rose to 40, he was knocked down by the virus and it was a bit harder for him . I see that even today, people I know call me on the street, but with a certain fear, which I do not blame and I think is normal in this whole situation, which, in fact, is not naive at all. I can say for myself that at the beginning of this whole story, I honestly did not believe enough in the dangers of this virus, I thought it was an exaggerated story, until I saw what was really going on, and that it was a viral infection fatal and we had to take action. , to protect yourself. Sometimes I feel like I’m filming a Variola Vera movie. It is extremely difficult for people with more severe clinical conditions, and doctors are doing everything possible to save all human lives. We are currently eight volunteers, I hope there will be more – Milosevic concludes his story.

VIDEO: Seven groups of corona symptoms
