I thought July was hell and there was nothing worse, but …


The head of the KBC “Dragisa Misovic” Clinic for Resuscitation and Anesthesiology, Professor Dr. Predrag Stevanovic, says that no one could have expected this wave of the epidemic to be much more severe than the previous one. These days, it’s only been confirmed that it’s always harder, Stevanović notes.

Yesterday, Belgrade registered the highest number of positives for coronavirus since the beginning of the epidemic, 1,144 cases were registered. Hospital capacities are filling up fast and that is why the “Dragiša Mišović” Clinical Hospital Center is fully in kovid mode again.

Dr. Predrag Stevanović tells RTS that 302 patients are currently being treated in this clinical-hospital center, of which 14 children, 10 mothers and a mother.

kovid hospital kbc dragiša mišovićPhoto: Aleksandar Dimitrijevic / RAS Serbia

kovid kbc dragiša mišović hospital

– Since yesterday, when we entered the kovid regimen at full capacity, we have received 118 patients, we have managed to free only seven – adds Stevanović.

He noted that in this wave, it is characteristic that they are now quite difficult patients. “We currently have 57 patients in the intensive care unit, 33 of them on a ventilator. Not all of them are intubated, there are invasive and non-invasive forms of ventilation, but that just shows how many difficult patients were admitted to Dragisa Misovic Hospital,” he said. Stevanovic.

Regarding the rigor of age, he affirms that they received more older patients, but that does not mean that there are not more young people.

He pointed out that no one could have expected this wave to be much heavier than the previous one.

– The second wave, the month of June was hell for us. I couldn’t imagine anything could be more difficult. These days, it has only been confirmed that there is always more difficulty and now we have had terrible pressure from patients and that is why these hospitals have switched to the kovid regimen. There are simply many, and you hear ambulance sirens all the time, emphasizes the doctor.

– Is there anything to say when you admit 118 patients to the hospital in one day? Then it is clear how difficult it is – adds Stevanović.

“In my 35 years, I have not worked with difficult patients”

He states that we know so much about kovid 19 that patients who do not have significant symptoms can be treated at home, but should report to the kovid clinic.

– They must be registered, their contacts must be controlled, because they are transmitters and can hinder our work – says Stevanović.

He noted that there are places in hospitals for more difficult patients who mostly have unilateral or bilateral pneumonia.

– So that there are fewer of these patients, all must come with suspicious symptoms and report to the Kovid clinic – emphasizes the doctor.

Many people are afraid of the coronavirus and not end up with a respirator, and the doctor says that it is very dangerous, because it means that they have a very serious form of the disease.

– We have been doing the crown for eight months and as a covid center and all the doctors and nurses are hired, but the anesthesiologists are incredibly busy, there are not many of us and they are all working. We work with very difficult patients in the most difficult conditions, where the greatest potential is to become infected and pass it on to their families, says Stevanović.

That is why, as he says, it is important that we all comply with measures to protect ourselves and our loved ones, to reduce the number of those who end up with respirators and to make things easier for anesthesiologists as well.

– That job is so hard that believe me, in my 35 years, I have not worked with difficult patients. We already know a lot about kovid, a lot is known around the world, but it still amazes us and you can have a patient who is quite good and will start the progression of the disease in five minutes – concludes Stevanović.
