I thought I was sleeping and for 17 days I fought for life on a respirator. A young man from Leskovac about a dramatic fight for the crown.


When I woke up I thought I had slept for a day or two, didn’t even know I was in a coma and on a respirator for 17 days fighting for my life. After 40 days of lying down, I was able to stand up. The first step was really painful, but the second and third were easier. It took me a while to get my speech back, Predrag Pedja Nikolic told Kurir, over the phone, from the bed of the Anesthesia and Intensive Care Clinic at the Nis Clinical Center.

Pedja is the young man from the outskirts of Leskovac that we have already written about, who will turn 21 in the autumn, and ended up with a healthy and correct respirator, his kidneys and liver failed, his heart failed, his blood ran in all directions … He was literally raised from the dead. The other day he was transferred from the red zone of this clinic, which is now a hospital, to intensive care.

Koksaki virus

And when he was rushed from Leskovac to Nis on July 18, he was not even aware, as he puts it, how bad he was. He stood up, spoke normally, and thought he had no place in Nis. Just hours after arriving at KC Nis, he was hooked up to a respirator.

– When I found out I had a crown, I didn’t even think something terrible could happen to me. I thought it was easier for young people to lie down. But when I got to Nis, when they started running, screaming, putting electrodes on me, looking for where my vein was, I realized that it was very serious. When I woke up, I didn’t even know that I had been in a coma for 17 days. I thought I had an operation and I only slept for a day or two – recalls Pedja.

For him, as he himself says, it was fatal to have the coxsackie virus before, and he did not even know it.

Red zone exercises after the respirator
Red zone exercises after the respiratorphoto: Ana Paunković

– Doctors determined that I actually used coxsackie for three or four months, and that I had no idea about it. And then I was attacked by Coxsackie for a few months, and then the crown just ended. Now I am, thank God, great, I can move my arms, legs, get up. My voice returns. After the respirator, I barely whispered, no one heard what I was saying. Now everyone can hear me. The forces return – says Pedja.

During these months and a half that he spent in the hospital, he went through everything and saw:

– I also saw people die next to me. It used to be excruciatingly difficult for me and sometimes I saw it realistically. The staff, many of whom are almost my peers, are wonderful. They were always there for me. When I pass out, they come and say a word of comfort.

Pedja is an athlete, plays basketball, is in the gym regularly and can’t wait to go home.

– The most difficult thing for me is that I have to lie down. I like to be on the go, not one day not to go to the gym or not under the basket. Just to go out and see the day and the sun – says Pedja and thanks the staff and doctors of the clinic with prof. Dr. Radmilo Janković at the helm.

photo: Ana Paunković

A hug to the mother

And Dr. Janković tells Kurir that Pedja was his youngest patient and that “the battle for his life was the greatest challenge we faced in the sea of ​​suffering, horror and pain and our greatest victory.”

– A victory in which, in addition to the superhuman effort of the anesthesiologists and all the clinic staff, the dedication, knowledge and courage of our colleagues: nephrologists, cardiologists and thoracic surgeons. For days we were almost paralyzed by what we saw in gas analysis, laboratories, thromboelastograms, successive scans, ultrasounds, but determined to give more than our maximum and save it. After the last days of anxiety, waiting for the left lung to finally expand again against the water, which was successfully drained by the thoracic surgeons. So we decided to transfer him to our regular intensive care, right in his mother’s arms. It was unreal, moving … impressive. The first standing, the first step, an image that passes through the Viber group to the colleagues in the kovid area who treated it for weeks … And in a few minutes, 60 hearts lit up next to the image and the message: ” Live, Pedja “- says Dr. Janković.


  • 17 days on a respirator, from July 18 to August 4
  • bilateral pneumonia
  • drainage of water from both lungs
  • acute myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) with a weakening of the ejection fraction below 40
  • renal insufficiency
  • dialysis eight times, July 18-28
  • bleeding disorder due to liver failure with a high tendency to bleed
  • bleeding from both the nose and mouth
  • liver failure
  • received prothrombin complex concentrate to replace liver function


We will bring our son home soon

Suzana’s mother, with whom we also spoke, is delighted.

– Pedja will be coming home very soon, she will be with us again. She is recovering very fast. Thanks to all the KC Nis, strong staff and doctors, whom we practically do not recognize because almost all of them are the same under the masks – says Suzana.

Kurir.rs/ JS Spasić Photo: private archive

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Author: delivery courier
