I think we are the only country in Europe that has two vaccines from different manufacturers


The Russian vaccine against Sputnik V coronary virus has arrived in Serbia.

The first 2,400 doses were delivered to the Torlak Institute.

The Secretary of State of the Ministry of Health, Mirsad Đerlek, said that the state had shown great responsibility towards the health of citizens and that the promise had been fulfilled.

– We are at the end of 2020, a difficult year in which we have led and we are fighting against the virus of evil. In the end, we have good news and another pleasant and important day for Serbia and its citizens. I think we are the only country in Europe, and perhaps the world, that has two vaccines from different manufacturers and effects. Pfizer, which is already in use today, we received 2,400 doses of the Sputnik vaccine. What is common and important to both is that they are very high quality and safe. We have two strong trump cards, two vaccines to oppose the kovid much more seriously and to end the story with the epidemic, to live normally.

vaccine, Sputnik V, the vaccine arrived in Serbia, Mirsad Đerlek
photo: Tanjug Printscreen

He appealed to everyone and pointed out that the vaccine is the only means that can help us respond to mass vaccination to defeat kovid 19.

– Pager vaccines, on January 4 it is announced that a contingent will arrive, which will be delivered weekly for 20,000 thousand. As for the Sputnik V, an import permit and certificate of use is expected in a day or two, so use can be expected immediately after the New Year. The permit issued by ALIMS will also allow us to receive significantly higher amounts. We hope that in the second half of January we can begin a more massive vaccination – he said.

He added that a Chinese vaccine is expected, but that there is no exact information on when it will arrive.

– It is important that everything is free, I would not like to spread the story that is getting better, you can choose, but depending on what we have in stock – Dr. Djerlek concluded.

vaccine, Sputnik V, the vaccine reached Serbia
photo: Tanjug Printscreen

Health Minister Zlatibor Lončar said yesterday that testing of the Russian vaccine at the Agency for Medicines and Health Products is coming to an end and is expected to be completed in the early days of the new year.

vaccine, Sputnik V, the vaccine reached Serbia
photo: Tanjug Printscreen

Vaccination against the coronavirus with the vaccine from the companies Fayezer and Biontek began in Serbia on December 24.

vaccine, Sputnik V, the vaccine reached Serbia
photo: Tanjug Printscreen


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