“I SURVIVED EVERYTHING FOR HER, I WAS READY FOR EVERYTHING” Stefan Karić revealed the dirtiest things about the Cooperative, what he said about Iva surprised everyone (VIDEO)


The participant of the reality show “Cooperative 3”, Stefan Karić, believes that the relationship with Iva Grgurić is his past, as well as that he is happy that she won.

– Iva is my past, I do not escape from it. It is not a beautiful or ugly past, there was everything between us. I haven’t seen any videos, especially not with Ivo. Only now am I adjusting and not interested in anything at the moment. Angry, she said I was a fraud, I don’t think she thinks that of me. It’s okay for me that she won, I didn’t congratulate her, I survived everything because of her, and she didn’t care that I felt bad at some point. I had a lot of trouble because of her because she was ready for anything for the sake of reality. She had tactics, she watched reality TV seriously and is ready for anything due to her popularity, Karić says for “Super TV”, and then she remembers the breakup with Ivana Šopić.

– She pretends to be crazy all the time and she doesn’t want to say the specific reason for our breakup, but I’m not going to talk about it either. That it is that I stopped loving her and that my emotions were extinguished towards Ivana – Stefan says sincerely.

Stefan karic Photo: Snezana Krstic / RAS Serbia
Stefan karic

Many commented that Father Osman had a great influence on him, as well as that he was “Daddy’s son.”

– I suppose that a father should advise a son, I think with the head. I did not think with the head of my father, but everyone has the right to comment on that – says Stefan, who would never come into reality with his family.

– I would never do to my family what the Djoganis did, they made a bad move. It’s been 15 years for some things to come out now, I was in all the chaos on Anabela’s side. His mistake is that he got into that whole story, otherwise everything would have been resolved out of the cameras, he says and states that he is not thinking of returning to Šimanovci.

Women are dirtier than men actually

Stefan says the hardest thing for him was actually the lack of hygiene.

– There is a budget there with which we buy food in the store. It’s all a psychological game and it was a great challenge for me to survive on zero dinars. Serious game. The only disaster was that it was dirty. The women were the dirtiest there, worse than the men. Everything is how it looks on camera, it’s messy and messy, says Karić.
