I suggested bombing Belgrade, demolishing all the Drina bridges (VIDEO)


THIS IS WHAT BIDEN SAID: I suggested that we bomb Belgrade, that we demolish all the bridges of the Drina (VIDEO)

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In Joe Biden’s 1998 speech about the bombing of Serbia, Serbs began to share en masse during the US presidential elections.

“I suggested we bomb Belgrade, I said send American pilots there and blow up all the Drina bridges,” Joe Biden said during the one-way address.

One of the videos that is being shared is the one where he talks about why he didn’t want to help people in Serbia.

– Why was I so ruthless with Serbia and Kostunica when I don’t trust them? As long as you don’t look into your hearts, you can never be cured of the diseases of believing that you are oppressed. Time to stop that, ”he said.

By the way, in 2016, Biden expressed his condolences to the families of the victims of the 1999 NATO bombing of Serbia.

Let us remind you that vote counting in the United States is ongoing, and the winner of America’s most uncertain elections is still unknown.

The results are expected from several federal states, and Biden leads the electoral votes, for now 264: 214.


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