I STOLE YOUR CAR WHILE YOU FLASH! These are the places where CAR THIEVES tend to lurk! (KURIR TELEVIZIJA)


According to some data, more than 3,000 cars disappear in Serbia every year. Stolen cars are disassembled and sold in parts or used for other criminal activities.

Cars are often stolen from parking lots near cemeteries or hospitals. The motives for stealing are different, as are the models, but practice has shown that the most popular among thieves are those four-wheelers that are most common on the streets.

– A couple of years ago, it was “Volkswagen” cars, then luxury jeeps and, at one time, “Renault” vehicles, usually ten years old, says Milan Stepanović, editor of the vehicle registration and insurance site.

And while many scared owners are figuring out how to protect their cars, many are warning that paying for insurance is the best investment. However, even that does not guarantee complete security.

Many insurance companies include certain risks when they offer an insurance offer.

When choosing a policy, you have to be very careful and well informed about the risks that are included in the insurance, which are usually written in lower case.


delivery courier

Author: delivery courier
