I still tremble for my daughter and my grandchildren


Since the coronavirus pandemic began, Snezana Djurisic has taken every precaution with her family. But not only that.

He also showed solidarity in the emergency by caring for his colleague Lepa Lukic. The singer gave a concert with her colleague Aco Lukas on Thursday. In an interview with Courier Djurisic, he reveals how much he cared about his daughter, Maya, who lives in the United States, and how he spent the last month and a half.

How important was it to you to bring groceries to your colleague Lepa Lukic?

– I wouldn’t know how to explain it to you, except that my education, even my faith, simply dictates that help is something you do to help, not to make you feel good.

Your daughter lives in New York, where there are many infected, are you afraid?

– As a mother, I used to worry constantly and now even more, but I trust that my Maya will do everything in her power to pass this difficult period in the safety of her family. Everyone is good and thank God for technology so we can see and hear each other whenever we want, reducing our worry.

photo: Dragan Kadić

Your partner, Vanja Milosevic, is a doctor. Were you afraid that the virus would not spread?

– I’m not afraid, but there is always caution. Vanja is a professional who works with professionals and knows how to protect herself and how to protect others while doing their job. At home, we continue to comply with all protective measures, and somehow irrational fear loses its validity.

photo: Damir Dervišagić

How much has the pandemic changed us?

– We still have to process information and feelings, learn something, so, with God’s help, apply new knowledge and enter the process of change, as a planet and as individuals. I think we are about to change, from the smallest unit of antibodies in us to the entire planet. But depending on ourselves, we see changes from its good or bad side. I have faith that everything will go in the right direction.

What will the world be like, but also our country when everything is gone?

– I hope healthier, cleaner, calmer, calmer, more focused, more valuable, more beautiful and perhaps, above all, smiling. As much as it is convenient to criticize and notice problems now, I have faith in people who have the ability to be compassionate and gentle, but also strong, resilient, and defiantly proud.

Are you afraid of your work as there are prohibitions for mass collection across Europe?

– Everything that was hired was moved to the following year, nothing was canceled. I hope that health and happiness serve us and that we all work as we have done so far. My work is also my love and I am blessed by it and linking with all those doubts and fears is not something I plan to do.

Are you afraid that the crown will return in the fall?

– I don’t think that way, I focus on the beautiful things that come. Until then, I am listening to the profession. My immunity is, thank God, fine. I fill the days with what I love, I believe in God, so be it.

Is there anything that has particularly bothered you in the past?

– not! I missed friends, family, work, people, some of my rituals, I think most of us. But when you make a little effort to please yourself, you don’t even realize it bothers you.


What country would you like to visit this summer?

– I’m still not thinking where to go, considering that we are still in a state of emergency. As things stand, I think that, like most, I will stay in Belgrade or go to some of the most beautiful places in our beautiful Serbia.

Curators, Ljiljana Stanisic / Photo: Marina Lopicic, Dragan Kadic, Damir Dervasicic

Delivery courier

Author: Delivery courier
