Dragan was with his mother at a weekend house between Brestovačka Banja and Bor Lake, and shortly before midnight he became ill, so Slavica, scared, called an ambulance.
– The team immediately took to the field, and Slavica came out in front of the door to wait for them. She was standing on the side of the road and when she saw the ambulance, she greeted them. At that moment a “Fiat Punto” arrived in the direction of Lake Bor. At full speed, she hit Slavica from behind and threw her more than ten meters. Medics rushed out of their vehicle and attempted resuscitation, but without success, the source says.

– Seeing that there was no salvation for the woman, they ran to the house to help Dragan. Unfortunately, she also passed out, probably from a heart attack.
Neighbor The road is very dark Slobodanka Stojanović, who lives across the road from the injured woman, says that the section of the road that passes through the Pirot settlement, where the tragedy occurred, is dangerous. – It is very dark because the streetlight bulbs have gone out and no one has replaced them. Last night it was also dark. My son heard the knock, but when he came out onto the terrace, he didn’t see anything – said Slobodanka.
A neighbor says he saw Slavica crying on the street Thursday night while waiting for help for her son.
– She did not see the car, it hit her with all its force. She threw it far away. I saw it from the terrace and I couldn’t believe it – says an upset neighbor, witness to the accident, and adds: – How fast he was driving is evidenced by the fact that he stopped only after 30 meters.

While medical workers tried to save the life of the mother and son, the police arrived at the scene of the accident.
– The driver of the “Fiat” ZM (47) was detained for up to 48 hours. It is assumed that the cause of the accident was the unadjusted speed, and it will be determined if he was drunk – says the source.
Neighbors say the deceased spent her working life in Germany, where she received a pension. – Then she returned to Serbia and was mostly on the weekend. Her son also worked in Germany, went to work, neighbors said, adding that now Slavica’s sad dog is lying in front of the house for the weekend.
(Kurir.rs/ Dragan Ilić- Suzana Božinović / Photo: DI, SAB)

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